Frequently Asked Questions


Cabrillo Colleges' Grants Manual has been developed as a Canvas course to provide practical guidance for Cabrillo grant personnel working on various aspects of grant development and management. Designed for those working on local, state, and/or federal grant or categorical funding, the course has relevant, up-to-date procedures, resources, and guidance for developing and/or managing public grants.

How to Enroll

To enroll in the Grants Manual course, click here for access.


The office is located in Building 2550 (Across from the Business Office (BSO) in lower campus.

At this time, Cabrillo is observing Shelter in Place and most offices are closed. Please email for a Zoom appointment

Any full time Cabrillo employee can apply for a grant for a project or program. Grants must be approved

by the appropriate institutional authorities. It is important to research eligibility for both the funder and

the institution prior to grant application submission.

It is recommended to approach the Grants Office for assistance at the early stage of a proposal.

A grant is an obligation and commitment by the college district so due diligence is necessary for all grant

proposals to ensure that appropriate individuals are aware of and approve the grant before it is

developed and submitted. Please see the Grant Approval Process for more information on the process.

While the Grants Office will prepare and submit all applications on behalf of the college district, Cabrillo

faculty and staff play a critical role in serving as a content area expert. The actual writing is likely to be a

blend of content developed both by Cabrillo faculty and staff and Grants Office staff. The Grants Office will

also oversee all final edits to the documents before they are submitted to the funding agency.

Dr. Matthew Wetstein


A designated representative from the institution must sign the proposal because the grant money is awarded to the district and not the individual or Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director (PD).

CASE - The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is the global non-profit association dedicated to educational advancement

The Foundation Center – This organization is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide.

The Grantsmanship Center – This organization offers training and publications to help organizations plan solid programs, write logical, compelling grant proposals and create earned income opportunities.

FEDERAL GRANTS is an e-government initiative with information and the ability to submit proposals on over 1,000 grant programs from 26 federal grant-making agencies.

Grants Lifecycle

Grants 101

Search Federal Grants


California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office - This state agency in California oversees all 108

community colleges and serves as a primary source of grant funding statewide.

Contact Carrie Mulcaire, for further resources in grant development.

Contact Carrie Mulcaire in the Grants Office.

All Student Aid, including individual grants, is handled through the Financial Aid
