President Wetstein speaks at graduation
For Employees and Community Members

Learn about Guided Pathways projects and progress.

Announcing the Collegewide Theme for 2021 - 2022!
Career Aspirations and Inspirations
California Guided Pathways Institutes
Check out our latest GP Institute work!

In April 2022, a cross-component team from the College participated in the second of the new GP Institute series. This Institute focused on Connecting Students to Programs of Study.

The College mascot (Sammy Seahawk) typing on a computer
"On the Horizon" Event Promotion

Do you have an event or reminder you would like to share with students? Submit it to the CAP Ambassadors for inclusion in the weekly On the Horizon news list or the CAP webpages. From here, faculty can share the information with their students.

View and share the latest On the Horizon slides!

Congratulations, PIT Crew!

After four years of excellent work, the Pathways Implementation Team (PIT) Crew has accomplished its goals and come to an end! Kudos to everyone who has served on PIT Crew!

An Executive Advisory group has been temporarily establised to facilitate the transition of Guided Pathways into sustaining structures across the College.

What is Guided Pathways?

Our Problem Statement

Cabrillo College acknowledges that currently: The educational path for students at Cabrillo is often too long, inequitable, confusing, and costly.

Our Actions

The Guided Pathways movement is helping us to adjust our processes to better serve students and meet their unique needs. We are:

  • Providing students with intentional exploration of academic options, allowing them to make informed choices about their majors and careers.
  • Eliminating uncertainty about requirements, reducing the chances of taking excess units.
  • Providing support resources to help students succeed in college level courses as soon as possible.
  • Helping students build community and feel valued and understood at the College.

How is Guided Pathways helping students?

The Guided Pathways framework has been successfully applied at colleges and universities across the country. Guided Pathways is unlike typical initiatives in higher education in that it takes a critical look at the college institution itself and seeks to remove the barriers and obstacles preventing students from succeeding.

Guided Pathways at Cabrillo College takes a holistic approach to meeting the needs of each unique student. It is equity-minded and acknowledges that the burden for student success lies with us.

As part of Phase Two of the California Guided Pathways project, we are focusing our attention on Aspirational Student Experiences. These serve as specific goals that keep us student-focused in our work. Note that the student experiences are framed as goals for each student, indicating that they need to be tailored to meet each student's needs, rather than assuming that one solution works for all students. 

The student experiences we are focusing on in the 2020-2021 Implementation Teams are:

  • Each student encounters multiple experiences, through onboarding, orientation, and early and intentional involvement in the Career and Academic Pathway (CAP) community, that intentionally build a sense of connection to and belonging within the institution.
  • By the end of the first semester, each student has engaged in exploring their interests, matching those interests to careers and to a specific program at the college and making an informed decision about their program of study.
  • Each student receives relevant and timely academic and non-academic supports, which are seamlessly integrated into the student experience.

Simultaneous efforts throughout the College are also working to improve these and other student experiences.

See the full list of Aspirational Student Experiences.

The Guided Pathways framework was traditionally divided into four areas. Each area concentrates on revising different aspects of the student experience of the college. In the early years of our Guided Pathways implementation, our work focused on these areas. (For the newer and more current framework, check out the Current Approaches section above.)

Defining the Path
  • Clarify student paths by creating Career and Academic Pathways and departmental mapping of programs to transfer and careers.

Entering the Path
  • Help students get the best start at the College by redesigning the onboarding process to eliminate barriers and scale up best practices, including first-semester experiences and integrated academic supports.

Staying on the Path
  • Keep students on track with supports such as proactive counseling and systems for tracking progress.

Ensuring Learning
  • Help the College use practices that enrich and assess student learning, applied learning experiences and program-specific learning outcomes.

Our Guided Pathways Goals and Progress

  • Create Career and Academic Pathway clusters
  • Create program maps for transfer programs
  • Create program maps for certificates
  • Post program maps on the College website

In progress
  • Work with four-year partners to create four-year program maps (Title V Pathways Grant Team)
  • Re-examine and modify scheduling processes to be even more student-centered (Strategic Enrollment Management Task Force)
  • Redesign outreach
  • Redesign orientation and assessment
  • Redesign remedial education

In progress
  • Assess implementation of AB705 (English Department, Math Department, and the Planning and Research Office)
  • Expand First-Semester Experience options (Starting with CAP-specific CG Courses)
  • Design methods to better support students to stay on the path (Early Academic Support revisions)

In progress
  • Help students identify relevant support services at each stage of the educational path (CAP Ambassadors)

  • Revise and improve College communication to students (Strategic Enrollment Management Task Force and Marketing Department)

  • Revise program student learning outcomes to align with GP best practices
  • Infuse careers into curriculum ("Careers in the Classroom" Canvas materials)

Resources for Employees

The College has five Career and Academic Pathways (CAPs). A CAP is a community of faculty, staff and fellow students who share similar academic and professional interests. They will help students to forge their path to complete a major, earn a certificate or prepare to transfer.

  • The programs within a CAP are largely clustered based on overlapping coursework for those majors. This makes it easier for a student to transition to a related major within the CAP.

  • Students chose the names for the CAPs.

  • The logos for each CAP were designed to align with new College branding. Students, staff, and faculty participated in the logo development.

Students can now email their CAP Ambassadors (peer support) with questions about resources, services, and events:

These resources provide information about the student experience at the College, often in their own words.

1. CCEAL Student Equity Focus Groups Report (2018)

2. Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE, 2018)

  • Overview of the SENSE

  • To request specific data, send us an email.

  • Data is available disaggregated by: race/ethnicity, gender, first-generation/non-first-generation, traditional/non-traditional age, and part-time/full-time enrollment.

Program maps are available on the Academic Counseling website. They are organized by CAP (Career and Academic Pathway).

  • Remember, if curriculum is modified in your program, be sure to check with the Articulation Office to make sure any necessary changes are made to your program map.

As part of Phase Two of the California Guided Pathways project, we are focusing our attention on Aspirational Student Experiences. These serve as specific goals that keep us student-focused in our work. 

Note that the student experiences are framed as goals for each student, indicating that they need to be tailored to meet each student's needs, rather than assuming that one solution works for all students.

Kudos to everyone who has helped so far!

  • Marcy Alancraig, English Faculty/SLO Coordinator
  • Jennifer Cass, Mathematics Faculty
  • Vicki Fabbri, Communication Studies Faculty
  • Skye Gentile, Communication Studies Faculty
  • Margery Regalado-Rodriguez, Dean of Counseling and Educational Support Services
  • Barbara Schultz-Perez, Counseling Faculty

Defining the Path

  • Carolyn Jackson, Articulation Director (co-lead)
  • Tera Martin, English Faculty/ILC Director (co-lead)
  • Cherie Barkey, History Faculty
  • Sarah Doub, Instructional Procedures Analyst
  • Jean Gallagher-Heil, ECE Faculty
  • Karen Groppi, Engineering Faculty
  • Jay Jackson, Counseling Faculty
  • Kim Mansfield, Counseling Faculty
  • Rachel Mayo, ECOIL Dean
  • Becky Morgan, SLO Coordinator/Psychology Faculty
  • Motoko Nakazawa, Counseling Faculty
  • Christina Ortega, Counseling Faculty
  • Steve Schessler, English Faculty
  • Deirdre Scholar, Geography Faculty
  • Claire Thorson, Art Faculty

Entering the Path

  • Alta Northcutt, Orientation Program Coordinator (co-lead)
  • Leslie De Rose, CTE Program Coordinator (co-lead)
  • Dianne Avelar, Psychological Counselor
  • Linda Cullens, Bookstore Manager
  • Olga Diaz, Watsonville Center Program Coordinator
  • Ann Endris, Co-Director Academy of College Excellence
  • Anya Finke, Student Assessment Coordinator
  • Sue Gochis, Student Services VPI
  • Eric Grabiel, Learning Communities Coordinator and Non-Credit Coordinator
  • Zach Joseph, Counseling Faculty
  • David King, Dance Faculty
  • Amy Lehman, CESS Dean
  • Alfonso Lobato, Math Faculty
  • Rachel Mitchell, Anthropology Faculty
  • Stacey Mueller, Library Faculty
  • Adela Najarro, English Faculty
  • Kip Nead, A&R Director
  • Doreen O'Donovan, Grants Analyst
  • Rudy Puente, Counseling Faculty
  • Karen Reyes, Student Resource & Support Network Director
  • Annabelle Rodriguez, AEBG/GOAL Director
  • Aloha Sargent, Technology Services Librarian
  • Tootie Tzimbal, Financial Aid Director
  • Jennifer Vered, CABT Faculty

Redesigning Basic Skills Subgroup

  • Gabby Huezo, Math Faculty (co-lead)
  • Adela Najarro, Puente/English Faculty (co-lead)
  • Jamie Alonzo, NAS Dean
  • Joseph Carter, English Faculty
  • Jennifer Cass, Math Faculty
  • Cheryl Chaffin, English Faculty
  • Claudia Close, Philosophy Faculty
  • Ann Endris, DMCP co-director/MMAP Coordinator
  • Eric Grabiel, LCC and Basic Skills Coordinator
  • Geneffa Jonker, English Faculty
  • Alfonso Lobato, Math Faculty
  • Dave Reynolds, Math Faculty
  • Annabelle Rodriguez, AEBG/GOAL block grant Director
  • Aloha Sargent, Library Faculty
  • James Weckler, BELA Dean

Staying on the Path

  • Michelle Morton, Library Instructor (co-lead)
  • Anna Zagorska, Director CESS (co-lead)
  • Kofi Akinjide, Director of Student Equity and Success
  • Spring Andrews, Director IT
  • Diane Avelar, Psychological Counselor
  • Terri Daniels, Instructional Procedure Analyst
  • Michelle Donohue, Dean Student Services
  • Majorie Facio, Financial Aid
  • Eric Grabiel, Learning Communities and Non-Credit Coordinator
  • Sally Larter, Counseling Faculty
  • Vanessa Lee, Articulation
  • Gayle McCallum, English Faculty
  • Michelle Mendoza, Counseling Faculty
  • Chloe Moroney, Student Services
  • Jo-Ann Panzardi, ENGR Faculty
  • Marina Ramon, STEM project director
  • Megan Robertson, ASC Counseling Faculty
  • Desha Staley-Raatior, Student Employment
  • Francine Van Meter, Title V Grant
  • Robin West, Retention

Ensuring Learning

  • Becky Morgan, SLO Coordinator/Psychology Faculty (co-lead)
  • Barbara Schultz Perez, Counseling Faculty (co-lead)
  • Liz Soluri, Anthropology Faculty (co-lead)
  • Jennifah Chard, VAPA IDA
  • Claire Conklin, Library/CCEU President
  • Kelli Horner, MESA/STEM Director
  • Michael Mangin, History Faculty
  • Robin McFarland, Biology Faculty/Faculty Senate President
  • Buff McKinley, PRO Office
  • Mark Ramsey, HAWK Associate Dean
  • Beth Regardz, Digital Media Faculty
  • Matt Weis, CWEE internships
  • Gail West, DMCP/HSERV Faculty

Guided Pathways Support (GPS)

  • Marcy Alancraig, English Faculty/Faculty Lead for GP (team lead)
  • Javier Martinez Cabrera, Math Instructional Assistant
  • Ann Endris, Academy for College Excellence Director
  • Kimberly Mansfield, Counseling Faculty
  • Rachel Mayo, ECOIL Dean
  • Gayle McCallum, English Faculty
  • Tamara McKinnon, Nursing Faculty
  • Christina Ortega, Counseling Faculty
  • Denise Russo, Nutrition Faculty
  • Jo-Ann Panzardi, Engineering Faculty
  • Marina Ramon, STEM Project Director
  • Desha Staley-Raatior, Student Employment Coordinator
  • Liz Soluri, Anthropology Faculty/Faculty Support for GP
  • Claire Thorson, Art Studio Faculty
  • Jenifer Vered, Computer Applications and Business Technology Faculty
  • Anna Zagorska, Counseling Faculty


  • Amy Lehman, CESS Dean/Dean for GP (team lead)
  • Ariba Alston-Williams, Admissions and Records Technician
  • Josue Barajas
  • Audrey Blumeneau, TLC Co-Coordinator and Digital Media/Computer Applications and Business Technology Faculty
  • Anya Finke, Placement Services Coordinator
  • Salvetoria Larter, Counseling Faculty
  • Alta Northcutt, Student Activities Coordinator
  • June Ponce, Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator
  • Annabelle Rodriguez, Director of Adult and Workforce Education
  • Kendall Sooter, Communication Studies Faculty

Website Redesign

  • Liz Soluri, Anthropology Faculty/Faculty Support for GP (team lead)
  • Ramesh Goonetilleke (Web Developer)
  • Tatiana Bachuretz, Confidential Executive Assistant to the VP of Administrative Services
  • Olga Diaz, Watsonville Center Program Coordinator
  • Kristin Fabos, Director of Marketing and Communications
  • John Govsky, Digital Media Faculty
  • Zach Joseph, Counseling Faculty
  • Kimberly Mansfield, Counseling Faculty
  • Buff McKinley, Administrative Assistant PRO Office
  • Brandon Napoli, Director of the Small Business Development Center
  • Kip Nead, Director of Admissions and Records
  • Theresa Oda-Burns, Counseling Faculty (ASC)
  • Georg Romero, Library Director
  • Alvaro Suarez, Student Services Technology Specialist
  • Francine VanMeter, Title V Grant Coordinator/Flex Coordinator
  • Kofi Akinjide, Director of Student Equity and Success (co-lead)
  • Michael Mangin, History Faculty (co-lead)
  • Adela Naranjo-Bernabe, DREAM Resource Program Coordinator (co-lead)
  • Barbara Schultz-Perez, Counseling Faculty (co-lead)
  • Dianne Avelar, Psychological Counselor (Student Health Services)
  • Michelle Donohue-Mendoza, Dean of Student Services
  • Chloe Fabbri, Admissions and Records Evaluator
  • Marjorie Facio, Financial Aid
  • Michelle Foguet-Mendoza, Counseling Faculty/Puente Co-Coordinator
  • Timothy Frank, Nursing Faculty
  • Eric Grabiel, Learning Communities and Non-Credit Coordinator
  • Nina Kotelyan, Communication Studies Faculty
  • Tera Martin, English Faculty/Director of the Integrated Learning Center
  • Rachel Mitchell, Anthropology Faculty
  • Megan Robertson, Counseling Faculty (ASC)
  • Steve Schessler, English Faculty
  • Robin West, Follow-up and Retention Coordinator

Onboarding (Fall 2020 Only)

  • Sally Larter, Interim Dean for CESS and GP (team lead)
  • Liz Soluri, Faculty Lead for GP and Anthropology Faculty (team support)
  • Audrey Blumeneau, Digital Media/Computer Applications and Business Technology Faculty
  • Anya Finke, Placement Services Coordinator
  • June Ponce, Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator
  • Annabelle Rodriguez, Director of Adult and Workforce Education
  • Kendall Sooter, Communication Studies Faculty

Cohorts and Careers

  • Steve Schessler, Faculty Support for GP and Chair of English Department (team lead)
  • Liz Soluri, Faculty Lead for GP and Anthropology Faculty (team support)
  • Lydia Arce, Title V/CARES Act Administrative Assistant
  • Eddie Cervantes, Dean of Education Centers, Distance Education, and Dual Enrollment
  • Lauren Cole, Academic Counselor
  • Serena Federman, Job Developer
  • Karen Groppi, Engineering Faculty
  • Lesley Louden, Art Photography Faculty
  • Kim Mansfield, Academic Counselor
  • Adela Najarro, English Faculty
  • Leah Resendez, Learning Communities Specialist
  • Claire Thorson, Chair of Art Studio Department

Creating Virtual Community

  • Liz Soluri, Faculty Lead for GP and Anthropology Faculty (team support)
  • Steve Schessler, Faculty Support for GP and Chair of English Department (team support)
  • Matt Blostein, Music Technology and Recording Arts Faculty
  • Olga Diaz, Watsonville Center Program Coordinator
  • Michelle Donohue, Dean of Student Services
  • Lina Geriguis, English as a Second Language Faculty
  • Tera Martin, Director of the Integrated Learning Center and English Faculty
  • Adela Naranjo-Bernabe, DREAM Resource Program Coordinator
  • Alta Northcutt, Student Activities Coordinator
  • Theresa Oda-Burns, Academic Counselor, Accessibility Support Center
  • Ariel Robello, English Faculty
  • Kendall Sooter, Communication Studies Faculty
  • Betsy Vaca, Library Faculty
  • Jen Vered, Computer Applications and Business Technology Faculty

Current PIT Crew Members

  • Sally Larter, Interim Dean for Guided Pathways and CESS

  • Liz Soluri, Anthropology Faculty/Faculty Lead for GP

  • Steve Schessler, English Faculty/Faculty Support for GP

  • Ashley Carniglia, Instructional Procedures Analyst/Scheduling and Mapping Liaison for GP

  • Nikia Chaney, English Faculty/Student Voices Liaison for GP

  • Denise Russo, Nutrition Faculty/Professional Development Liaison for GP

  • Sarah Moyer, GP Student Assistant

  • Hermes Pardo, GP Student Assistant

  • Skye Shook, GP Student Assistant

  • Sarah Jain Vanderpool, GP Student Assistant

  • Othello Washington, GP Student Assistant

  • Mercedes Zepeda, GP Student Assistant

  • Kofi Akinjide, Director of Student Equity and Success

  • Spring Andrews, Director of IT

  • Gerlinde Brady, Dean of CTE and Workforce Development

  • Jessica Carroll, CCEU Representative

  • Eduardo Cervantes, Dean of Educational Centers, Distance Education, and Dual Enrollment

  • Ann Endris, Director of Title V Pathways Grant

  • Kristin Fabos, Director of Marketing and Communications

  • Angela Hoyt, Directory of Human resources and Labor Relations

  • Carolyn Jackson, Articulation Coordinator

  • Amy Lehman, Interim VP of Student Services

  • Robin McFarland, Biology Faculty and Chair of Curriculum Committee

  • Carrie Mulcaire, Grants Development Director

  • Bradley Olin, VP of Administrative Services

  • Diane Putnam, SLO Coordinator

  • Jon Salisbury, Director of Planning and Facilities

  • Barbara Schultz-Perez, Academic Counseling Director

  • Jyothi Suresh, Representative from Department Chairs

  • Claire Thorson, CCFT Representative

  • Francine Van Meter, Chair of Flex Committee

  • Kathie Welch, VP of Instruction

  • Terrence Willett, Dean of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness

  • Anna Zagorska, Academic Counseling Faculty and Faculty Senate President

Former PIT Crew Members

  • Marcy Alancraig, Faculty Lead for Guided Pathways

  • Jennifer Cass, Math Faculty

  • Claudia Close, Philosophy Faculty

  • Leslie DeRose, CTE Program Coordinator

  • Carena Dewis, Instructional Procedures Analyst

  • Karl Ewald, CCFT President

  • Sue Gochis, VP of Student Services

  • Gabby Huezo, Math Faculty

  • Victoria Lewis, Administrative Services VP

  • Leticia Mendoza

  • Becky Morgan, SLO Coordinator/Psychology Faculty

  • Michelle Morton, Library Faculty

  • Adela Najarro, Puente/English Faculty

  • Alta Northcutt, Orientation Program Coordinator

  • Isabel O'Connor, Dean for Guided Pathways

  • Dr. Kofi Akinjide, Director of Student Equity and Success

  • Angela Hoyt, Vice President of Human Resources and Labor Relations

  • Tobin Keller, Faculty, CCFT President

  • Salvetoria Larter, Interim Dean of ACCESS and Guided Pathways

  • Amy Lehman-Sexton, Vice President of Student Services

  • Robin McFarland, Interim Vice President of Instruction

  • Alta Cilicia Northcutt, Student Activities Program Coordinator and CCEU President

  • Bradley Olin, Vice President of Administrative Services

  • Dave Reynolds, Dean of Natural and Applied Sciences

  • Steve Schessler, Faculty, Faculty Co-Lead for Guided Pathways

  • Liz Soluri, Faculty, Faculty Co-Lead for Guided Pathways

  • Jyothi Suresh, Faculty, Department Chair of Mathematics

  • Matt Wetstein, President/Superintendent

  • Anna Zagorska, Faculty, Faculty Senate President

  • Isabel O'Connor, Dean for Guided Pathways (2017 - 2018)

  • Marcy Alancraig, Faculty Lead for Guided Pathways (2017 - 2020)

  • Amy Lehman, Dean of Counseling, Educational Support Services, and Guided Pathways (2019 - 2020)

  • Nikia Chaney, Student Voices Liaison (2020 - 2021)

  • Ashley Carniglia, Scheduling and Mapping Liaison (2020 - 2021)

  • Denise Russo, Professional Development Liaison (2020 - 2021)