Honors Symposium
Honors Transfer Program

Welcome Honors Transfer Program Cohort!

What Honors Students Experience:

  • Priority admission or a competitive edge in the transfer admissions process depending on the college or university to which you apply (See UCLA TAP Information and Private universities (HTCC) agreements)

  • Fall, 2024 - 78% admission rate to UCLA College of Letters & Sciences, for our Honors students!

  • Scholarship advising and opportunities

  • Research support from Cabrillo's award winning library staff

  • Counseling and transfer assistance

  • Recognition of honors coursework on transcripts and at graduation

  • Smaller class size (35 or fewer students per class)

  • Faculty mentors

  • A dedicated Study Lounge for our program's students

  • A stimulating environment

  • Membership in an honors transfer community of students

  • Enriched curriculum

  • A strong support network