Suggested Order of Courses

You may be wondering: "What classes should I take?" or "Should I take classes in any particular order?"
Typical Fall Classes Offered
Classes are offered only one time each year. Nothing is guaranteed but we try very hard to make it simple to start and complete your studies.
Hort 1A Basic Horticulture
Hort 12 Agriculture Economics
Hort 24 Plant Propagation
Hort38AG/CABT38AG Computer Applications in Agriculture
Hort 52 Greenhouse Design and Operation
Hort 62 Fall Plant Materials and Design
Hort 65 Design Graphics
Hort 70 Organic Agriculture
Hort 125 Hydroponic and Substrate Production
Hort 150 Pest Management
Hort 176 Permaculture Design
Typical Spring Classes Offered
Hort 1B Basic Hort - Crop Production
Hort 2 Soils
Hort 11 Introduction to Agriculture Business
Hort 58 Irrigation
Hort 63 Spring Plant Materials and Design
Hort 66 Landscape Design
Hort 71 Organic Food Production 1
Hort 140A/440A Introductory Berry Production
Hort 140B/440B Intermediate Berry Production
Hort 160B Edible Landscaping
Hort 164 California Native Plants and Plant Communities
Hort 172 Arboriculture
Hort 173 Pruning