Welcome to the Human Resources Department!
We are here for you.
It is our mission to provide excellent service, partnering and support to all Cabrillo employees to help us all achieve our joint mission of empowering students to be effective communicators, critical thinkers, and responsible world citizens and, with a commitment to quality and equity, to connect all learners to pathways that propel them from where they are to where they aspire to be, including: academic, personal, and career growth.
We ask of you:
- Please call or come by anytime!
- Please complete your mandatory trainings on time!
- Please respond timely to HR requests and calls!
- Please have fun at Cabrillo College!

Open for appointment in-person visits
Mon- 9am-5pm
Tues- 9am-5pm
Wed- 9am-5pm
Thurs- 9am-5pm
Fri Closed for work time
What are you looking for?
Read about the current benefits Cabrillo College has to offer, including medical, dental, vision, and more.
Compensation and Job Descriptions
Check out Cabrillo's compensation information and job descriptions for faculty, staff, administrators and confidential employees here.
Employee Contracts, Handbooks and Resources
Find faculty and staff contracts, confidential employee handbook, administrative employee benefits summary, Etrieve eForms and more resources for current employees.
Required Employee Training
Click here for more information regarding required employee training, including but not limited to the Blood Borne Pathogens training and Injury and Illness Prevention Plan training.
New Employee Resources
Access the Flex Week New Employee Orientation Presentation slides and New Employee Quick Reference Guide here.
Retirement Plans
Read about Cabrillo's retirement and additional pre-tax savings plans.
Mandated Reporting
Find child abuse and neglect reporting steps and more information here.
Meritorious Service Awards
Have a nominee in mind? Click here for more information.
Contact Us