HR Required

Employee Training

Required Trainings Assigned By HR for ALL Employees

Employee Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation Prevention/Title IX/Mandated Reporter- At start of employment and then every 2 years

Supervisor Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation Prevention/Title IX/Mandated Reporter- At start of employment and then every 2 years

Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) – Workplace Safety- At start of employment and then every 1 year

Workplace Violence Prevention Training- At start of employment and then every 1 year

Covid-19 Safety & Prevention Training- At start of employment and as otherwise may be required by CalOSHA

Bloodborne Pathogens-At start of employment and then every 2 years. Only for employees who may encounter bloodborne pathogens (ex., Custodial Staff, Allied Health, Biology, etc.)

Screening Committee Training- If you want to or will serve on a screening committee, you must complete this training on EEO, Diversity in Hiring, Unconscious Bias, and Legal Requirements every 2 years

Depending upon your role and or department there may be additional department-specific required trainings.