students in the clinic
Medical Assisting


General Questions


Yes. You can take MA70 - Medical Terminology and ENGL C1000 - Academic Reading and Writing (formerly ENGL 1A-English Composition) with completion of a grade of C or better. These are two of the prerequisite classes for the Accelerated Medical Assisting Program (AMAP). Please see the additional "frequently asked question" section below for specific information for prerequisite classes for the AMAP.

Please see this document for detailed information on the current MA Program Cost

You can find more information by reviewing the Student Handbook. The Medical Assistant Student Handbook is a guide for your use while you are enrolled in the medical assisting program. It will inform you of various policies and procedures used by the medical assisting department.

Application and Selection Process

Yes, the AMAP accepts applications year round.

Yes. MA70 – Medical Terminology AND ENGL C1000 (formerly ENGL 1A) or the equivalent course.

No. The AMAP is only able to accept approximately 30 students per semester.

Approximately 30 students will be accepted into the program per Fall and Spring semester.

In order to be eligible for selection, a student must apply and meet the prerequisite requirement. Upon selection, the selected student must review a virtual orientation and confirm understanding of the program expectations and requirements as well as attend the mandatory Foundation Course prior to the start of the program. Students must attend the entire Foundation Course week in order to continue in the program.

The AMAP conditionally accepts the first 30 applicants pending verification of proper completion of prerequisites.

Students who are offered placement into the program and accept placement offers are eligible for a one time deferral for the next semester should for any reason a student cannot move forward in the program in the semester a student was accepted. If a student who is offered placement in the program defers then the first alternate student will be offered placement. If there are no alternates then the next student on the waitlist will be offered placement.

This process is subject to change without notice.

Currently there is a waitlist. This is subject to change each semester.

No. However, if you are on the deferral / waitlist, please keep an eye out for communication from our program coordinator for follow-up in regards to your prior application and interest in the AMAP.

While in the Program

No. The accelerated medical assisting program is a full-time program. This is a cohort style program where students advance together and move through the program, in its entirety, together. Course registration is guaranteed to students accepted into the accelerated medical assisting program.

No. There is an option for Level III students, pending available clinical sites, to complete their externship hours over the summer. This class is MA-101 and held off campus in a clinical site.

Two semesters, on campus, and a third semester in an externship class with completion of 180 hours, off campus, in a clinical setting.