Pause for Mental Health

Take a moment to support your mental health, your classmates, your family and the community at large.
Remembering that it is ok to not be okay, we are all going through unique experiences that may need healing and with compassion for ourselves and others we can heal together.
Ask yourself:
How can I pause for my mental health?
How can I pause for a friend's mental health?
How can I pause for a stranger's mental health?
Know there is support to meet you where you are.
Take a Pause
Take a warm shower
Read a poem
Take 10 slow, deep breaths
Write a journal entry
Window shop
Try something new
Make a new friend
Listen to 4 new songs
Visit an Art Gallery
Color with crayons
Plant or Pick some flowers
Visit the humane society
Make comfort food or try something new
Hold a solo dance party
Go for a run or bike ride
Call a friend or family member
Take a walk around campus, on the beach, Niesen or Pinto Lake County Park
Drink some tea or a coffee
Cuddle up with your favorite blanket
Rub rosemary oil on your feet
Do a random act of kindness
Listen to a Meditation
Notice with wonder and awe
Gather data through all senses
Spend time in nature and/or with animals
Email us your idea for a pause
Find Resources
Student Health Services Canvas Page (Enrollment link for Students)
Suicide Prevention Services Hotline National - (800) 273-8255
Suicide Prevention Services Hotline Local - (877) 663-5433
Santa Cruz County Hotlines & Warm Lines
Crisis Text Line - 741741
Healing Together: Pause For Mental Health