students in theater
Placement is available 24/7 Online!

Complete the Process

Step by Step Instructions

All students start at transfer level. Select courses based your program plan and your learning needs. 

Studies show that starting just one level below transfer level can lengthen the time it takes you to reach your academic goal by at least one semester, sometimes more. Starting at transfer level gives you the best opportunity to complete a certificate, an AA/AS degree or transfer to a university. Take time now to learn about your options before deciding which courses to take. It will save you time later.

Save time later by starting in the best classes for you from the beginning: During the placement process, you'll see that Cabrillo offers various formats of transfer level English, ESL and math courses. Some with built-in support, others with support outside the classroom. You will decide the best format for you based on your major, your learning style and the preparation you need to succeed.

The placement process will help you select math and English courses

  1. View these slides for an overview of your course options. Includes comprehensive information to help you select your courses

  2. Complete the Student Placement eForm (Log in with your Cabrillo ID and password)

  3. After you answer the questions, calculate to view your placement recommendations

  4. Submit the eForm to archive your placement information to your record. The SUBMIT button is at the bottom of the screen in the black ribbon

  5. View your Placement Recommendations in Self-Service.

ProTip: after you submit your placement eForm, it takes about 2 hours for your placement recommendations to populate in self-service. Use for your reference when planning classes.

  • Your Cabrillo College 7-digit student ID number (emailed to you after you apply)
  • Your password to MyCabrillo (directions on the log in screen)
  • For reference only, your high school transcripts with your GPA and information about your last English and math courses.
  • If you don't have these, that's OK! Don't remember, don't know? That's OKAY too! See next section for GPA information.
  1. You probably remember the kind of student you were in high school, your best guess is absolutely fine. We only need an estimate to give you placement recommendations.
  2. ProTip: your cumulative or overall GPA includes ALL the subjects and classes you completed in high school. For example: if you earned mostly A's and B's, estimate your GPA at 3.5.
  • 4.0-3.7 = mostly A's and A-
  • 3.4-3.6 = a mix of A's and B's
  • 3.3-2.7 = mostly B's and B-
  • 2.4-2.6 = a mix of B's and C's
  • 2.3-1.7 = mostly C's and C-
  • 1.4-1.6 = mix of C's and D's
  • 1.3-0.7 = mostly D's and D-
  • 0.6-0.0 = mix of D's and F's
student pouring molten metal into mold
What's next after Placement?
Get ready to register
Your Next Steps:

Two (2) Ways to submit:

  1. Via email:

  2. Via regular mail:

Cabrillo College, Admissions &Records

6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos CA 95003

attention: Evaluator