Placement Information Guide

Cracking the placement recommendations code
Complete and submit the Placement eForm to see your placement recommendations archived in eTrieve and in Self-Service under Placement Information.
This guide shows you the items you may see in Self-Service. Recommendations are based on your answers on the Placement eForm using evidence based research. All course sections are offered with support. Some with longer time in class corequisite support; others with support outside the classroom in our Tutoring Centers and faculty office hours. You decide the best format for you based on your learning style and the preparation you need to succeed.
Pro-Tip: you won't see all items listed here; the Placement Information in Self-Service displays only what applies to you based on your answers on the Placement eForm.

- Placement Overview
- How to Complete Placement
- Cómo completar el colocación
- How to read Placement Information
- Cómo leer la Información de Colocación
- Placement for English
- Posición para inglés
- Placement for English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Colocación para Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL)
- Placement for Mathematics
- Posición para Matemáticas
- Complete Orientation Activities
- Actividades de Orientación Completas
Placement Recommendations Key
- B-STEM Co-req RecommendedIncludes: Math 4, 5, 13, and 18
You'll see a 0 or 1 displayed in self-service:
0 = NO corequisite course recommended, take if needed or desired.
1 = YES, corequisite support course strongly recommended but is optional
Your recommendation is based on your answers on the placement eForm, then this criteria is applied to result in your recommendation:
GPA 0 - 3.39 = Main Course PLUS Corequisite Support Course provides in-time, in-class skills review and remediation.
GPA 3.4 and above OR GPA 2.6 and above AND enrolled in high school calculus = Main Course. Support and tutoring available outside class time at our tutoring centers.
- GE-MATH Co-req RecommendedIncludes: Math 1, 10, 15, STAT C1000, Psych 2A and Bus 9
You'll see a 0 or 1 displayed in self-service:
0 = NO corequisite course recommended, take if desired
1 = YES, corequisite support course strongly recommended but is optional
Your recommendation is based on your answers on the placement eForm, then this criteria is applied to result in your recommendation:
GPA 3.0 and above = Main Course. Support and tutoring available outside class time at our tutoring centers.
GPA 2.99 and below = Main Course PLUS Corequisite Support Course provides in-time, in-class skills review and remediation.
- ENGLISH Co-req RecommendedIncludes: English C1000 or English as a Second Language 1a: College Composition
You'll see a 0 or 1 displayed in self-service:
0 = NO corequisite course recommended, take if desired
1 = YES, corequisite support course strongly recommended but is optional
Your recommendation is based on your answers on the placement eForm, then this criteria is applied to result in your recommendation:
GPA 2.6 and above = Main Course. Support and tutoring available outside class time at our tutoring centers.
GPA 2.59 and below = Main Course PLUS Corequisite Support Course provides in-time, in-class skills review and remediation.
- College Level English Completeif a 1 is displayed
You indicated completion of college-level courses in English and/or Math
Submit your transcripts and connect with an Academic Counselor to clear prerequisites as needed
- College Level Math Completeif a 1 is displayed
You indicated completion of college-level courses in English and/or Math
Submit your transcripts and connect with an Academic Counselor to clear prerequisites as needed
- Math 5A Co-Req RecommendedMath 5A Calculus I
If you've placed into Math 5a, you'll see a 0 or 1 displayed in self-service:
0 = NO corequisite course recommended, take if desired
1 = YES, corequisite support course strongly recommended but is optional
Your recommendation is based on your answers on the placement eForm, then this criteria is applied to result in your recommendation:
GPA = 0 - 3.2 = Main Course PLUS Corequisite Support Course that provides in-time, in-class skills review and remediation.
GPA = 3.21 and above = Main Course. Support and tutoring are available outside class time at our tutoring centers.
- Math EquivalencyIf a 4 is displayed, you have placed into MATH 5a, Calculus I.
Math 5a has a computer enforced precalculus prerequisite that must be satisfied prior to registration.
- Consider Algebra Preparationif a 1 is displayed
Based on your math course history and your major, your algebra foundation may need some support.
STEM, BUS and PSYCH majors: consider taking MATH 1, College Algebra before enrolling in Math 4, 5A, 13, or 18.
- Consider ESL Preparationif a 1 is displayed
You indicated you may want help with reading and writing in English
Consider starting in the ESL program to develop your writing and reading skills.