All degrees have at least one math requirement
There are several course options depending on your academic goal, level of degree, the requirements of your major and your preparation needs.
Why do I need to take math? As a general education (GE) requirement, the study of mathematics promotes a connection and understanding of mathematics to your major and to other disciplines. The study of math helps you to tackle assignments and projects with ease by honing critical thinking, problem solving and logical reasoning skills; skills that you will use everyday and that are valued by employers.
How do I choose? ALL students are eligible to take degree applicable, transfer level mathematics in the first year. Mathematics requirement(s) for your degree are determined by your major and your education plan. You are not required to take pre-degree courses. Once you have your placement recommendations, your next step is to choose your courses. Many majors have just one math requirement; others may have several math requirements. Courses listed here are for planning purposes only, make an appointment with an academic counselor for individualized guidance to ensure you are taking the appropriate courses to reach your academic goal.
Need Additional Math Preparation or Review? Many courses are offered with a corequisite course built-in for real-time support with skills review and remediation to help you complete your course with success. You are welcome to take these support courses as needed during your time at Cabrillo.
First Year Math Options:
Math 1 College Algebra
Math 4 Precalculus
Math 5a Calculus 1
Math 10 Explorations in Math
Math 12 Elementary Statistics
Math 13 Finite Math
Math 15 Number Systems
Math 18 Business Calculus
Business 9 Business Statistics
Psychology 2a Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
Corequisite Support Courses
MATH 101S Support for College Algebra
MATH 104S Support for Precalculus
MATH 105AS Support for Calculus I
Math 112S Support for Statistics
MATH 118S Support for Business Calculus

- Placement Overview
- How to Complete Placement
- Cómo completar el colocación
- How to read Placement Information
- Cómo leer la Información de Colocación
- Placement for English
- Posición para inglés
- Placement for English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Colocación para Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL)
- Placement for Mathematics
- Colocación para Matemáticas
- Complete Orientation Activities
- Actividades de Orientaci ón Completas
Placement Criteria and Course Format Recommendations
- Survey and statistics coursesMath 1, 10, 12, 15, Psych 2A and Bus 9
The math course required is determined by your major, take the corequisite support course if recommended or desired, based on this criteria:
GPA 2.99 and below = Traditional Course PLUS Corequisite Support Course which will provide in-time, in-class skills review and remediation.
GPA 3.0 and above = Traditional Course. Support and tutoring available outside class time at our tutoring centers.
- Algebra based coursesMath 4, 13, and 18
The math course required is determined by your major, take the corequisite support course if recommended or desired, based on this criteria:
GPA 0 - 3.39 = Traditional Course PLUS Corequisite Support Course which will provide in-time, in-class skills review and remediation.
GPA 3.4 and above OR GPA 2.6 and above AND enrolled in high school calculus = Traditional Course. Support and tutoring available outside class time at our tutoring centers.
- Calculus 1Math 5a
Has a computer enforced precalculus prerequisite that must be satisfied prior to registration. The prerequisite can be satisfied with one of the following:
Completion of Cabrillo College Math 4 with a C or better.
AP or IB scores submitted for evaluation
Completing precalculus at another college, transcripts required for evaluation
Completing precalculus (or equivalent) in high school. Submit the placement eForm; indicate completion of pre-calculus or higher with a “C” or better.
Take the corequisite support course if recommended by the Placement eForm or desired, based on these criteria:
GPA = 0 - 3.2 = Main Course PLUS Corequisite Support Course that provides in-time, in-class skills review and remediation.
GPA = 3.21 and above = Main Course. Support and tutoring are available outside class time at our tutoring centers.
ProTip: refer to the Program Map for your major and connect with an Academic Counselor to verify that Math 5a is required to complete your academic goal.
- a note about Algebra preparationMath 1 College Algebra
Math 1 is a transfer level, GE applicable course that covers math topics similar to those in high school Algebra II or Math III. If your major includes Math 4, 5A, 13 or 18 and you did not complete Algebra II or Math III in high school, consider taking Math 1 first. This is optional, not required. You choose what's best for you.
Complete Math Competency Cabrillo AA/AS Degree
You have two (2) options
In high school: complete Algebra II or Common Core Math III with a C- or better. Submit your official high school transcripts then meet with an Academic Counselor to clear this requirement.
Transfer to Complete BA/BS Degree
Find your major, find your math options
Choose one course to satisfy your General Education requirement. The Program Map for your major lists our course recommendation.
MATH 10 Exploration of Mathematics
MATH 12 Elementary Statistics. Can be taken alone or with MATH 112S Support for Statistics
BUS 9 Business Statistics
PSYCH 2A Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
Sign Up for Math Plus!

Dust off your math skills to be ready for your class!
Register for MathPlus a quick review program before the semester starts to prepare for your specific math class.
We offer Math Plus for algebra, precalculus, calculus, statistics and finite math