APITA is a coalition of California Asian Pacific Islander Community College Trustees and Administrators that serve to enhance educational opportunities for API community college students and professional development opportunities for API administrators.

Formally launched in 2014, APITA strives to promote and advocate to ensure Asian Pacific Islander students opportunity for access, retention, degrees, certificates, and promoting student success. We are dedicated to advocating for disaggregated student and employee data.

As the largest system of higher education in the country with more than 2.1 million students attending 116 colleges, the California Community Colleges serve the most diverse student population of any system of higher education in the state. A commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion enriches the vision of equity outlined in the Vision for Success and fosters an inclusive, anti-racist campus culture.


Chair, Debbie Ikeda, Trustee, State Center Community College District

Vice Chair. Rowena Tomaneng, President, San Jose City College

Treasurer, Sue Chan, Trustee, Ohlone Community College District

Secretary/Membership Chair, Nicky Gonzalez Yuen, Trustee, Peralta Community College District

Director At-Large, Mike Fong, Trustee, Los Angeles Community College District

Director At-Large, Andy Li, Trustee, Contra Costa Community College District

Director At-Large, Whitney Yamamura, President, Folsom Lake College


Cabrillo's APITA Caucus Membership is open to all staff, faculty, administrators, and trustees. If you would like to join, or if you would like to contribute content, please email Ronnette.