Integrated Plan
Comprehensive Integrated Education Plan


Comprehensive Integrated Education Plan (CIEP)

In 2023-24, we will be creating our Comprehensive Integrated Education Plan (CIEP) to articulate our long-term vision of the College and its infrastructure. "Cabrillo" has partnered with Steinberg Hart and Integrated Academic Solutions (IAS) to assist in collecting the voices of our students and community and drafting a dynamic, living document we can use to guide our facilities, technology, programs, and services into the future.

The new CIEP will dovetail with our Mission statement and Strategic Plan updates and inform updates to our Student Equity and Achievement (SEA), Facilities and Technology plans, program plans, and more.

Because words matter, the effort was renamed in May 2023, to remove MASTER, with all its inherent history and references to enslavement, from the name of the plan.

Five Guiding Questions

to Outline Direction and Focus Planning on Students’ Needs
  1. Who are the students we serve now and who will our future students be?

  2. What are the needs of our current students and what will students’ needs be in the future?

  3. Do our current delivery systems (i.e., strategies to communicate and interact with students around the curriculum) and support services meet students’ needs? Will they meet students’ future needs?

  4. How can we best serve the educational needs of the populations in our service area?

  5. What resources (e.g., technology, physical spaces, staffing) and practices will best ensure equitable access and outcomes for our students?

Presentation to Faculty Senate: End of FA23 report

What is this all about?

Working Group meeting #10 (11/30/23)
Working Group meeting #9 (11/09/23)

Slide Deck

State of the Workforce Santa Cruz report (described at the meeting)

Working Group meeting #7 (9/28/23)
Working Group meeting #6 (9/15/23)

Agenda - embedded in minutes

Slide Deck

Working Group meeting #5 (9/7/23)

Agenda is on the first slide

Slide Deck: Campus Analysis and Findings

Fall 2023 Flex Session - Equity Walk
Working Group meeting #4 (5/25/23)
Working Group meeting #3 (4/27/23)
Working Group meeting #2 (3/23/23)

PowerPoint (Including Dr Frank Harris' presentation about Equity-Infused Planning)

Flex Friday - Intro to IEMP


Slide Deck

Working Group kick-off (2/23/23)
Deeper Dives
Useful resources/reference material
Please share your impressions and feedback with one of these Working Group members
We want to hear your voice!

Alta Northcutt

Amy Lehman

Angela Hoyt

Anna Zagorska

Blanca Baltazar-Sabbah

Bradley Olin

Buff McKinley

Dave Reynolds

Devin Walker

Eddie Cervantes

Flor Chacon

Ginger Charles

Joanna Kimmitt

Karen Groppi

Mark Ramsey

Matt Wetstein

Olga Diaz

Rick Gubash

Robin McFarland

Sarah Doub

Sofia Abonce

Steve Schessler

Tasha Sturm

Tatiana Bachuretz

Teresa Macedo

Tobin Keller

Veronica Leon

Add your feedback to the physical assessment of Watsonville and Aptos campus use on the Miro board. Please share these links with your constituencies.

Physical use of the campuses