
Prioritization Guidelines
We need to regularly assess requests to make sure they align with the college’s mission and goals.

Submit a Research Request
Please note: You must be logged in to your Cabrillo email account to see and access the RESEARCH REQUEST form below.
If you're requesting addresses for a mailing, please submit a Marketing request.
The eFactbook is undergoing a major software upgrade and the dashboard version may be temporarily unavailable. In the meantime, you can download the complete set of data. If you need additional assistance, please submit a research request.
Tips for using the dashboard:
- Click on the page numbers below the dashboard to invoke a table of contents.
- To make full screen, click on the double headed arrow in the lower right.
- In charts, clicking on an individual bar, line, or pie chart slice will filter to that element. Clicking on that same element or in the white space in the chart will re-select all elements.
- In tables, click on column headers to sort. Columns without a sort arrow cannot be sorted.
- Tables may have scroll bars on the bottom or right side.
- Maps can take longer to fully load
- Advanced users can download an unformatted Excel file with the aggregated data behind the dashboard here.
This page is continually updated throughout the year.
Access SQL reports here
From an on-campus computer (or remote VPN) connected to the network, open a web browser. (Chrome or Firefox recommended) When prompted for credentials, use your staff login (e.g. JADOE) and password/passphrase.
SQL reports provide automated data to support activities such as recruitment, admissions and records and other operational activities, program planning data, and other information.
Click on a folder to view the reports inside.
Click on the name of a report to access.
Select one or more parameters as indicated.
Click View Report.
Review the results and go back to step 3 if needed.
To export the results, click the computer disk icon on the toolbar above the report and select Excel (or other format if desired). Choose either to Save or Open the report (at bottom of screen). It is generally preferable to choose Save so that the file can be easily located again.
Be sure to store your reports in a secure location, and delete when no longer needed.
In an effort to protect privacy, we no longer provide large email lists to departments for mailing. If you are requesting addresses for a mailing, begin your request with a Marketing request or contact the Marketing Department.
Helpful tools
Student Voice Project 2023 - coming soon.
Math Tutoring: Does it Work? FA15
Student Voices: A review of recent surveys- SP22
End of Term Student Feedback - Fall 2021
Campus Climate Study - Spring 2021
Student Technology Access Survey - Spring 2020
Faculty/Student Demographics - Fall 2020
Employee Climate Survey - Spring 2020
Class Modality Preference by Major - from Climate Survey, Spring 2021
Technology Access Comparison - Spring 2021
Student Climate Study - Spring 2019
SENSE 2018 Findings for Cabrillo; Key Findings
SENSE 2018 Comparison Group:CA Guided Pathways in the 2018 Cohort

IRB Membership, Training, and Infrastructure
Our members
Terrence Willett, Dean of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness
Mallory Newell, Supervisor, Institutional Research and Planning at De Anza College, community member
Kelli Horner, MESA STEM director, faculty representative
Christina Ortega, Counselor
Sarah Reinhard, Faculty, Psychology Dept.
Janine Riopel, Institutional Research Analyst
Cassidy Sterling, Faculty, Psychology Dept.
Examples from other colleges
Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research Training Plan
Institutional Review Boards—An Academic and Professional Matter
Human Research Protection Foundational Training -
To Submit your IRB application
Download the form from the link below
OPEN WITH Adobe Acrobat to edit, sign, and save
You can download Acrobat at
Track Recent, Current, and Pending Applications before the Cabrillo IRB below