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Cabrilllo Professional Development and Flexible (Flex) Calendar Program

Promoting growth as an educational community

Professional Development

For the Professional Growth of Faculty and Staff of Cabrillo College

Cabrillo College Professional Development and the Flexible Calendar Program (Flex), in collaboration with the Human Resources Department and the Transformative Learning Center (TLC), and partnership with the Office of Student Equity, promote humanizing and equity-minded practices in teaching and learning, technological advancement, health, and wellness, institutional effectiveness, and services supporting faculty and staff professionals. Cabrillo College uses the Vision Resource Center (VRC), MySeahawkPD Navigator as the professional development platform. This platform allows California community college employees equitable access to professional development opportunities and supports efforts to fulfill the goals outlined in the California Community College Chancellors Office (CCCCO), Vision for Success. The Transformative Learning Center (TLC) administrates the VRC for the College and manages professional learning and the Flex Calendar Program.

Cabrillo College is part of the Flexible Calendar (Flex) Program, a statewide program regulated by the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). Flex requirements for faculty are outlined in the CCFT Contract. Currently, staff do not have required regular duty days for Flex but are welcome to participate in any Flex activity. Employees at Cabrillo are welcome to propose short workshops, and training that are designated Flex activities to accommodate the accumulation of Flex hours throughout the semester.

Professional Learning Opportunities for All
Three Ways to earn Flex Credit!

1. Cabrillo College Flex Week and Flex Activities

The first and most important way to gain professional development and earn Flex credit is through Cabrillo-hosted Flex activities. Flex Week are regular duty day for faculty with all the rights and responsibilities thereof. The Calendar is composed of 10 days of professional development activities per academic year, 5 in the fall, and 5 in the spring. Additional Flex activities are offered throughout Fall and Spring semesters. The only required Flex activities are for Faculty, and they are “All College Day” in the Fall and any department and division meetings in Fall and Spring. Currently, staff do not have required regular duty days for Flex but are welcome to participate in any Flex event.

2. California Community College VRC Professional Development Opportunities

In the VRC, there are loads of amazing professional development courses, workshops, and activities in the state - all available to you! They are all listed in the VRC Calendar. When you register and complete an activity, it will automatically administer your Flex credit automatically calculated based on the time and completion of the activity. For more information on this process, visit the Cabrillo VRC MySeahawkPD Navigator User Guide for instructions. Remember, VRC is available for faculty and staff!

3. External Flex Credit for Professional Development

Faculty may also fulfill their Flex credits by performing pre-approved individual projects, conferences, or professional activities. Visit the MySeahawkPD User Guide for instructions on requesting external credit. External credit requests automatically get routed to your supervisor for approval once initiated in MySeahawkPD.

Need Help?

See contacts on the left side navigation bar for help. If you have any questions about non-Flex Week activity proposals, you may direct them to the TLC Director who administrates the non-Flex Week proposals. If you have Flex Week-specific questions you may direct them to the Flex Coordinator. If you have HR related mandatory training / PD questions, please contact HR for support. If you have changes you would like to request to your already scheduled Flex Week activity, please complete the Flex Activity Change Request Form. If you have VRC issues, see the VRC MySeahawkPD User Guide and if you still have questions, you can contact the TLC or fill out a TLC Request Form for assistance.

Professional Development Opprotunities Through the VRC MySeahawkPD
Your Professional Learning Management System
Interested in Facilitating a Professional Development Flex Activity?
Submit a Flex Activity Proposal for an Activity Outside of Flex Week?

Are you interested in offering a Flex activity outside of Flex Week? Any employee at Cabrillo may fill out the Flex Activity Proposal Form. Your proposal will be reviewed within a two-week timeframe. Please allow enough time for your intended date and your proposal submission. Traditionally, the first Friday of the month are designated "Flex Friday" activities but the Flex Committee has since opened it up to any day and flexible modalities (i.e. in-person, Zoom/online, and hybrid). Keep in mind, the Flex Activity facilitator is responsible for reserving and setting up spaces and Zoom links as well as all logistics for their event.

In VRC MySeahawkPD Navigator, staff and faculty can view their transcript to see courses and credits completed. Faculty may submit an External Credit Request for professional development outside of the Flex Program. Under the coordination of the Professional Development Council, the Flex Calendar is managed by the Flex Committee. The first Friday of every month is usually designated as "Flex Friday" for many of the Flex activities throughout the fall and spring semesters.

Additional Opportunities for Classified Staff
Classified Employee Professional Growth Program

In addition to the above professional development VRC, and Flex activities, the Cabrillo College Classified Employees (CCEU) includes a Professional Growth Program, available to classified employees as outlined in the CCEU contract.

Suggested Opportunities for Professional Learning

Transformative Learning Center (TLC)

The Transformative Learning Center (TLC) provides many professional learning Flex Activities, including various Communities of Practice (CoP), Transformative Instruction for Distance Education (TIDL), Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Program, and Transformative and Sustainability Teaching and Learning opprotunities, as well Instructional Technology workshops.

Office of Student Equity

The Office of Student Equity provides many professional development opportunities, including: the Student Equity Day on Tuesday of each Flex Week, and Flex activities.

Vision Resource Center

The Vision Resource Center is a portal for professional development and colleague connections within the California Community College System. It provides access to and Skillsoft developed for California Community Colleges and their employees to access effective practices, trainings, and other resources. It also includes communities of practice for Community College employees. To access, click the URL and enter your Cabrillo email address and create an account.


The Online Network of Educators (@ONE) programs provide training and online resources for free—or at a very low cost.


Flexible Calendar Program (Flex) Committee

The Flex committee organizes professional development activities for Flex Week that occur prior to each Fall and Spring semester. They also collaborate on professional development goals, continuous improvement and help to vet trends and needs for Flex Events. The committee meets once monthly for approximately 2 hours.

2023-24 Flex Committee Membership (alphabetical order)

Denise Calafato Russo (Flex Week Coordinator, Flex Committee Chair, CCCCO point of contact)

Devin Walker (Admin)

Eduardo Cervantes, (Dean/Admin, VP Designee)

Hilda Montanez (HR)

John Govsky (CCFT)

Joy Polanco O'Neil (Non-Flex Week and VRC MySeahawkPD Manager)

Katherine Love (CCEU)

Kendall Sooter (Faculty Senate)

Ketzali Maciel (Student Senate)

Kitzia Maciel (Student Senate)

Michael Pebworth (Faculty Senate)

Sarah Gerhardt (CCFT)

Shea Ellerson (VRC MySeahawkPD Technical Adminstrator, CCEU)

Professional Development Council (PD)

The PD Council oversees the Meritorious Service Awards process and serves as an advisory council for the Flex Committee, providing input and representation from all constituent groups on campus. The PD Council membership includes full-time and associate faculty, classified and confidential staff, and administrators and meets once a semester and on an as-needed basis.

2023-2024 PD Council Membership (alphabetical order)

Angela Hoyt

Buff Mckinley

Heidi Weber

Holly Goodman

John Govsky

Megan Pierce

Scott Johnson

Terrence Willett