
The Rising Scholars program at Cabrillo College is committed to supporting justice-impacted students by providing student supports with the goal of removing barriers and building community with our students. We invite you to Rising Scholars and are here to support you in your educational journey.

The Rising Scholars Juvenile Justice Program

This program is similar yet unique to the current Rising Scholars program as its aim is to champion educational access, success, and equity for justice impacted youth in the California Community College System. Many of the same services are provided as the current Rising Scholars in addition to a focus on dual enrollment.

Donnie Veal is our Coordinator for the Rising Scholars Program.

Beatriz Tijero is our Coordinator for the Rising Scholars Juvenile Justice Program.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Rising Scholars Network is to champion educational access, success, and equity for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students in the California Community College system.

Vision Statement

We envision a future where all incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students have equal access to quality education, comprehensive support, and equitable opportunities.

  • Students who are justice impacted can face significant barriers to academic and career success. Cabrillo College welcomes all students, including those who are incarcerated and those who have experienced incarceration in the past.

Assistance completing college and financial aid applications

Designated academic counseling

Priority registration for classes

Book stipends

Laptop lending program

Computer access and dedicated study area

Referrals to on campus and community services

Clean Slate program

Instruction at Rountree Medium Facility jail

The Rising Scholars Club aims to build community and connection for all justice-impacted students at Cabrillo College. We will create a safe space for our club members to gather and support one another while using our shared voice for advocacy and assistance for our fellow formerly incarcerated students. If you are a Rising Scholars student and would like to join the Rising Scholars Club, fill out this form.

Rising Scholars Staff
Donnie Veal
Rising Scholars Program Coordinator
(831) 477-5628
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Beatriz Tijero
Rising Scholars Program Coordinator, Juvenile Justice
(831) 477-5294
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picture of Zach
Zach Joseph
Academic Counselor, Transfer Co-Coordinator
(831) 479-6268
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Kate Sandusky
Office Specialist, CalWORKs & Rising Scholars
(831) 477-5626
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Eli Chance
Director, CalWORKs & Rising Scholars
(831) 477-3503
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