We're dedicated to helping small businesses. Click a link below to get started!
SBA Guide to Starting a Business [LINK]
Starting a business in Santa Cruz County Checklist [DOC]
Lean Canvas (business planning brainstorm) [PDF] [Written Instructions] [Instructional Video]
Business Plan Template [PDF] [WORD]
SBA Online Planning Template [Link]
Financial Forecasting [PDF] [EXCEL]
SBA Financial Management Guide [PDF]
PPP Tracking Spreadsheet [GOOGLE SHEET] [Instructions]
Paycheck Protection Program - Loan Forgiveness Calculator [EXCEL] [PDF]
COVID-19 Reopening Checklist [PDF]
The SBDC Can Get You Started:
- Deciding – In person and online "First Step" courses help explore if opening a new business or buying an existing business or franchise is right for you.
- Moving Forward – SBDC consultants provide guidance on all aspects of your business launch, including your business plan, feasibility and financial analyses.
- Acquiring Capital – Receive referrals to investors and banks, review financial management practices, and discuss loan package preparation.
- Gaining Market Research – Utilize SBDC research tools to obtain market reports, financial models and industry meters to help launch your business.
- Targeting Your Market – Refine your industry analysis, identify your customer base and research your competitors.
- Certifying Your Business – Learn what opportunities are available to women, minority, or veteran-owned businesses along with certification requirements.
Growing a business involves multiple steps ranging from selecting a location, determining a marketing strategy, analyzing cash flow implications and obtaining financing. The Santa Cruz SBDC can assist you by conducting customized research for your business on a specific target geographic area or comparing market potential among different areas. This market research will not only be used to make better business decisions, it can also be used to demonstrate to a potential lender that your plans are reasonable as you seek financing. In addition, Santa Cruz SBDC staff can assist you in determining cash needs and developing your loan proposal and monthly financial projections.
Continuity and Survival
Starting a business is difficult work. But keeping it healthy and making sure it is sustainable in the long-term requires new ways of thinking. The Santa Cruz SBDC continuity and survival services available to small businesses include confidential consulting on topics such as:
- Creating, updating and refining business continuity plans
- Acquiring capital, before and after the event
- Using cloud-based alternatives for critical business operations, tools and infrastructure
- Developing mobile-ready strategies to prepare for employees working off-site when needed
- Expanding strategically through new markets online, abroad or with the government
- Finding ways to maintain connectivity during a business disruption
- Building an online presence including eCommerce to diversify sales streams
- Reviewing ways to optimize online performance through SEO and other website enhancements
- Discussing all available resources to your business including local, state and federal partners who provide disaster loans, disaster training and much more
The SBDC network has the experience and an excellent track record in responding across the state to help communities and businesses negatively impacted by external forces, such as natural disasters or economic dislocations.
One-On-One Advising
The Santa Cruz SBDC offers free, individualized and confidential one-on-one advising for existing businesses and start-ups with the potential for job creation, revenue and profit growth, and new business development ideas which could stimulate economic development in Santa Cruz County and beyond.
Advising services are available by appointment to both existing and start-up business owners. It starts with a simple application. You tell us about your company and your needs and we give a truthful assessment of whether we think we can help. Then, we establish goals to work on (business loan, equity capital, etc.) and we work together to reach that goal. We will meet with you in-person, on the phone, over coffee – whatever works for your schedule. Think of it as having another confidential member on your team - someone who is specifically focused on the business goal you identified as most important - and at no cost to you.
Trainings and Workshops
The Santa Cruz SBDC conducts a wide variety of business seminars across Santa Cruz County on subjects including accessing capital, business planning, e-commerce and web marketing, human resource management, expansion and growth capital, legal and business issues and a variety of best practice programs designed to help small businesses use the best techniques possible to increase sales and profits.
- Preguntas frecuentes
- News and Announcements
- Noticias y Anuncios
- Cabrillo Entrepreneurs Club
- Club de Emprendedores Cabrillo
- Success Stories
- Historias de Éxito
- Business Resources
- Recursos Empresariales
- Contact the SBDC
- Contácte al SBDC
- Who We Are
- Quiénes Somos
- Partners
- Socios
- Business Advising
- Asesoramiento Empresarial
- Our Team
- Nuestro Equipo
- What We Are Working On
- Lo que estamos trabajando
- Education
- Educación
- New Client Welcome
- Bienvenido Nuevo Cliente
- COVID-19 Resources
- Recursos de COVID-19

Our Team
The Santa Cruz SBDC is staffed with experienced leaders who assist SBDC clients grow and develop their businesses.