Aptos campus will reopen at 5pm for evening classes. Watsonville not affected and operating on normal schedule.
Power restored to the Aptos Campus.
Welcome to MESA

Math • Engineering • Science • Achievement

What is MESA?

MESA stands for Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement.

The community college MESA program provides academic support for students who are STEM majors, intend to transfer, receive financial aid, and are first generation college students (your parents did not have a bachelors degree from any college). College can be difficult to navigate and the Cabrillo MESA Program is here to help!

Some of the ways we support students are:

  • A dedicated STEM Center where student can study in a welcoming environment

  • One-on-one tutoring in math

  • Academic Excellence Workshops (AEW’s) for math and physics classes

  • Academic Counseling specific to STEM majors

  • Transfer, Career, and Financial Aid Advising

  • Scholarships for transfer and continuing students

  • Assistance in applying for internships and undergraduate research experiences (REU's)

  • Tutoring Job Opportunities at the STEM Center

  • STEM Conferences (travel and other expenses paid)

  • MESA Student Leadership Retreat (held in the spring)

  • MESA/STEM Academic Counseling

  • Free Long-Term Check-outs for calculators, books, laptops, etc.

  • Field trips to local industry, colleges, and museums

Cabrillo College was the first MESA program at the community college level, and has been supporting students since 1988. MESA programs exist at about one third of the community colleges in California to support low-income, high-need students in math-based majors on their path to a successful university transfer.

Are you eligible for the MESA Program?

Do you meet the following:

Transfer Major Conditions

  • Do you intend to transfer to and obtain a degree from a 4-year university majoring in one or more of the following:
    - Mathematics
    - Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Petroleum, etc.)
    - Computer science
    - Life science (Biology, Botany, Environmental Science, Agriculture, etc.)
    - Physical science (Chemistry, Astronomy, Physics, Oceanography, Geology, etc.)
    - Health occupations (pre-med, physical therapy, pre-Vet, pre-Dental etc.)

Educational Conditions

  • At least one of the following is true
    - You are the first in your family to attend college
    - You began community college with a math assessment at or below Elementary Algebra (Math 154)
    - Your high school had low API scores, from US Dept of Education records

Economic Conditions

  • At least one of the following is true
    - You are eligible for the community college Board of Governors' Waiver, or BOGW
    (Visit the financial aid office and complete the one-page application to determine this)
    - You qualify for some other kind of financial aid--state or federal.
    - You are a member of EOPS