
A message from our Athletic Director:

"The coaches and student-athletes of Cabrillo College Athletics are excited to offer the kids of our coastal communities a variety of action-packed sports camps this Summer!

This year we have 4 specific Santa Cruz county youth sports camps for both boys and girls that include baseball, basketball, football and soccer. By popular demand, we are rolling out our signature "All-Sports" camp, that introduces all kinds of sports to kids and operates Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm.

So come and join us, along with “Sammy the Seahawk” for a fun-filled Summer your kids won’t forget!"

Go Seahawks!

Program Admin
Athletic Director
Contact us

6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003
Campus Map

Learn More ▼
Why Seahawk Sports Camps?
We empower local youth.
Epic Training Grounds

State-of-the art facilities, the coastal summer climate and plenty of refreshment stations compliment the space for learning.

Championship Coaching

Collegiate coaches prepare their players to compete in a top-ranked conference and exemplify years of pursuing excellence.

All-Conference Athletes

During their time here at Cabrillo, student athletes refine their skills and share their growing knowledge with all the kids at camp.

Leading Seahawk Sports Camps

Cabrillo College Coaching Staff

James Page
Mens Basketball
Gladys Mondragon
Womens Soccer
Steven Warren
Scott Masik
Cabrillo College Athletes
Camp Counselors
Giving back.

Campers are coached and mentored by current Cabrillo College student-athletes. Giving back to the youth of our community is their mission!

Storied backgrounds.

Student athletes come from all over the country and each one brings a different energy and unique perspective to teaching their sport; sharing tools with campers that will fast-track skill development, no matter what level they are on.

Youthful energy.

Cabrillo College athletes as camp counselors, exude a charisma that creates instant connections with young people. They bridge the generational gap easily and make learning fun and relatable!

Find out more.

Use drop down arrows:

AGES 6-15

Mon-Fri 9am-2pm


SESSION 1: June 24-28 ID#13258

SESSION 2: July 22-26 ID#13255


SESSION 1: June 17- 21 ID# 13305 *no camp on June 19th

SESSION 2: July 8-12 ID# 13256

SESSION 3: July 29 - Aug 2 ID# 13257


AGES 5-12

Mon-Fri 9am-12pm

SESSION 1: June 10-14 ID# 13244

SESSION 2: June 24-28 ID# 13245

SESSION 3: July 15-19 ID# 13246

SESSION 4: July 29-Aug 2 ID# 13247



AGES 7-14

Mon-Fri 9am-12pm


SESSION 1: July 15-19 ID# 13259

SESSION 2: July 29-Aug 2 ID# 13252



SESSION 1: July 8-12

SESSION 2: July 22-26



AGES 7-14

Mon-Fri 9am-12pm


SESSION 1: June 10-14 ID# 13249

SESSION 2: July 8-12 ID# 13250




SESSION 1: July 1-5

SESSION 2: July 15-19

SESSION 3: July 22-26

SESSION 4: July 29-Aug 2

SESSION 5: August 5-9



AGES 8-14

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

SESSION 1: JUNE 10-14 ID# 13248



Parent questions:

All registration for Cabrillo Summer Youth Program camps must be completed online by a parent or guardian. All camps are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration can be completed online or by phone. The fastest way is online registration, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you are new to Extension:

All youth campers must be registered as part of a household profile. Please follow these steps to create a household profile, add your child, and register for classes!

  1. Go to and click the orange "Registration Log-In" button.

  2. On the log-in page, click the green "Create a New Profile" button.

  3. Be sure to create a household profile! Follow all steps to add your information first.

  4. Add your child to the household profile

  5. Find your class(es) or camp(s) and add to your cart.

  6. Complete the online Required Student Information—you provide this information once, and we use it for multiple camps and classes!

  7. Click "Check-out" and complete your credit card payment. We accept Visa and Mastercard.

If you already have a profile in your system:

  1. Add your child to your household profile. If you do not have a household profile, please contact the Extension office to have your learner profile converted to a household.

  2. Find your class(es) or camp(s) and add to your cart.

  3. Complete the online Required Student Information—you provide this information once, and we use it for multiple camps and classes!

  4. Click "Check-out" and complete your credit card payment. We accept Visa and Mastercard.

Need help? You can reach an Extension team member at (831) 479-6331, Monday through Friday, 9 am - 5 pm.If you need to cancel:

If you need to cancel:

Refunds can only be issued if a cancellation request is made at least 10 business days prior to the start of camp. All refunds are subject to a 10% service fee. There will be no refunds provided once camps have begun. In the event that your child or a member of your household is ill, and your child is thus unable to attend camp, please contact the Extension office to discuss your options.

One-time transfers are not subject to a service fee. Subsequent transfers will be charged the 10% service fee. If a student wishes to transfer from one camp to another, the following requirements apply:

  • Only one transfer can be made.

  • Transfer must be requested no fewer than 10 days prior to the first day of the camp they were originally registered for, or the one they wish to transfer to, whichever comes first.

  • The camp they want to transfer to must have available space.

  • The student must meet the age requirements of the camp they wish to transfer into.

  • Students may not transfer their registration to another student.

If Extension cancels a camp:

We make every effort to avoid cancelling camps! We know summer is a busy time, and you’ve built your schedule around your child’s experience this

summer. However, Cabrillo Extension reserves the right to cancel camps due to severely low enrollment or other unavoidable circumstances. In the event of a amp being cancelled, families will be notified of the change as close to the start of camp as possible and will receive a full refund or credit to their account. We will also work with families to find an alternate camp that serves their needs, and complete a transfer with no service fees.

Food = Mood! We require that parents/guardians provide all snacks, meals, and water/beverages for your child to consume during the camp. Refrigeration is not available, so please send all items in a lunch bag or small cooler labeled with your child’s name. Meals should be ready-to-serve; no heating required. Please also send your child with a reusable water bottle labeled with their name. Food is not available on campus, including from vending machines.

Yes. Please coordinate with the Camp Director to arrange times. The designated pick-up person must come in and sign out with an ID for checkout.

Yes. We have program designs that group together campers of the same age and skill levels. If the player is more comfortable at a higher or lower age group, we communicate with the parent to get permission for the change in grouping.

Please contact the Program Coordinator for more information.

If you need to leave camp early during the day or miss days due to a conflicting schedule, that is alright. However we do not pro-rate camps or provide refunds for missed days. Please coordinate with the camp director for drop-off and pick-up times that are different.

Yes! Make sure to identify and add the person who will be doing the transport of your kids to your preferred list.

Check in for camps will begin at the door to the classroom 15 minutes prior to the published start time of camp, and closes at the start of camp. Please ensure you arrive early to camp each day to allow time for check-in. Sign out will also occur at the door to the classroom.

At check in: Children should be checked in by a parent, guardian, or individual on the authorized pick up list each day.

At sign out: Parents/guardians or others designated to pick up a child must present a valid photo ID at check-out every day. Children will only be released to individuals authorized by a parent/guardian at registration. If you need to adjust the list of authorized pick up individuals, please contact the Extension office or complete an Additional Pick-Up Authorization on the first day of camp.

For students age 12 and older, parents/guardians may complete a Youth Self-Sign-Out Authorization on the first day of the camp. This authorization gives permission to sign themselves out daily at the conclusion of each camp date. Students with this authorization will be dismissed at the conclusion of camp each day. Students younger than 12 must be dropped off and picked up daily.

This is dependent upon which camp you choose. Some do and some don't. Please contact the Program Coordinator for more info.

In order to provide a positive and meaningful experience, and a safe environment for all students, we require that all students meet our Essential Eligibility Criteria, and that parents or guardians agree to this Code of Conduct and Behavior Agreement.

It is our goal to partner with parents to determine if the Cabrillo Summer Youth Program will be a positive experience, and if the camp is suitable for their child, prior to registration. If parents or guardians have questions, we strongly encourage you to call and talk with us – we want to help!

If behavioral problems occur, parents will be contacted to discuss the situation. If a child’s behavior is unsafe or harmful to themselves or others, parents will be notified to pick up their child immediately, and the student will be withdrawn from camp without a refund. Recurrent behavioral problems may result in permanent suspension from the program.

Each Extension Summer Youth Program camp is taught by a single instructor and supported by one Teaching Assistant. Structure plays an important role in helping children develop socially, emotionally, and physically, and is also vital for student safety. Students are expected to follow this code of conduct and behavior agreement at all times.

  • Students must have self-discipline, be able to follow instructions given by one instructor in a classroom environment, must be able to manage their own behavior in a group setting, work independently, and perform tasks in class. Students must be able to function in a group environment without disruption of other student’s learning.

  • Students shall uphold high standards of integrity through honesty, trust, fairness and responsibility. Students are expected to demonstrate a spirit of cooperation and exploration within the guidelines provided by their instructors, and to meet the challenges of the program through honest effort.

  • Students shall not engage in any form of harassment or bullying. Harassment consists of conduct of any type (including but not limited to written, verbal, graphic or physical conduct) which has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance or which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment.

  • Students shall not take part in or facilitate discrimination of any kind, including, but not limited to, discrimination based on gender, race, national origin, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, handicap, or intelligence.

  • Students are expected to show courtesy and respect, and follow the instructions of the camp counselors, instructional staff, and other campus personnel.

  • Students are expected to show courtesy and respect their fellow students, and the belongings of their fellow students. They shall not borrow, use, or disturb items belonging to other students without clear prior permission.

  • Students are expected to show respect for and take reasonable care of campus property, equipment and furnishings.

  • Students shall not commit acts of violence on persons or property, nor shall they threaten to commit any act of violence.

  • Students shall not use, possess, or distribute weapons, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, with the exception of prescription and over-the-counter medications approved for use by the participant’s parent or guardian. Participation in an incident involving weapons, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs is cause for immediate dismissal.

Cabrillo Summer Youth Program does not offer rehabilitative or therapeutic camps, and we do not specialize in serving those with special needs, including mental, emotional, social, or behavioral difficulties. With that in mind, we recognize that each child’s ability to participate is unique. Our goal is to create inclusive, positive, and safe learning environments for students. If parents or guardians are wondering if a camp is a good fit, please call our office prior to registration and talk with one of our staff members.

While we always strive to serve as many campers as possible, registration for camps is on a first-come, first-served basis, and sometimes camps fill. In that case, we highly encourage you to add your child(ren) to any camps you are interested in attending. If space becomes available, you will be notified via phone and email. We are sometimes able to add additional sessions of popular camps, so adding your child to the waitlist is the best way to ensure you get the first notification should a new camp become available, as well as in the event that someone drops out of a camp.

Note that, once a week of camp begins, we cannot accept any new campers in that week even if space becomes available.