After many years at Cabrillo the STARS program is changing its name to Estrellas!

Estrellas program is a two semester program for freshmen Cabrillo students.The program provides a set of general education classes for students to take in the Fall & Spring semesters. Estrellas students learn college skills, build a classroom community, receive the support of a dedicated academic counselor & academic advisor, while completing their first two semesters at Cabrillo. Whatever your pathway the Estrellas program is here to guide you in your first year!

Estrellas classes

Fall 2022

English 1A+: Focus on ethnic studies, society, and social justice.

Library 10

CG 51: Introduces the tools necessary to increase academic and life success including college expectations, resources, facilities, requirements, and educational planning

Spring 2023

English 2 or English 2MC

Requirements to join

  1. Commit to taking the Estrellas program classes listed above.

  2. Have an intrest in taking English 1A/English 2 with a focus on ethnic studies, society and social justice.

  3. Apply to the program & attend the new student orientation in May 2022

Application opens Febuary 7th 2022

Benefits of Estrellas

  • Guaranteed classes English 1A & CG 51 in fall

  • Make new friends – take classes together and meet other students!

  • Orientation – 1 day campus tour & orientation in May 2022

  • Planning for College Success Course

  • Academic advisor support

  • Great Instructors and a dedicated academic counselor

Students with catalog
smiling student outside
Student reviewing catalog
Department Information
Contact Us
Leah Resendez
Program Specialist

Mon-Fri 9:00am - 4:00 pm

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