Events & Weekly Offerings
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Spring Wellness Challenge
Spring Wellness Challenge
Take on the challenge and prioritize your well-being! Stay motivated with our Wellness Challenge Support Meetings, held every Monday at 11 AM & 2 PM in the Amphitheater from March 3rd - April 28th. Connect, stay accountable, and achieve your wellness goals with a supportive community!
Don’t miss out join us and take a step toward a healthier you, and enter to win prizes!
Wellness Challenge Website
Weekly Group Schedule
- Monday @ 11 am or 2 pmSpring Wellness Challenge Support
Weekly | Starting: 3/3, Ending: 4/28
Meets in Amphitheater (map/directions)
30-Day Wellness Challenge Support. To learn more about the Wellness Challenge and to sign up Click Here
- Tuesday @ 11 amAsk a Nurse
Weekly | Starting: 3/4, Ending: 4/29
Meets in room 912 (map/directions) and on Zoom (Meeting ID:91547931792)
Questions about Nutrition? COVID- 19? Vaccines? Wondering about a weird rash, or how to take care of a sprained ankle? How to get birth control or STI testing? No question is too dumb, trivial, or silly. No questions off limits.
- Tuesday @ 1 pmBreathe & Movement with Charmaine and the Veteran Information Center
Weekly | Starting: 2/11
Meets in room 913 (map/directions)
ALL-LEVELS BREATHE & STRETCH CLASS Take a break and join the Veterans Information Center for an All-Levels Breathe & Stretch Class lead by Charmaine, designed to relax your mind and body through gentle stretches and mindful breathing. This class is offered once a week and is open to both students and staff. Escape the everyday hustle of school and join us to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.
- Wednesday @ 10 amSafe Space Support Group - Watsonville Campus
Weekly | Starting 2/5
Meets in Room A130
A safe space talking circles to connect and support one another as a partnership with DREAM Resource Program's Cafecito Social.
- Wednesday @ 11 amPost Neurological Event - Men's Group
Weekly | Starting: 2/5, Ending: 5/28
Meets in Room HW1112 (map/directions)
This is a group for students wanting support and connection following a neurological event
- Thursday @ 11 amSafe Space Support Group Aptos Campus
Weekly | Starting 2/6
Meets in EOPS Student Lounge Room 910
A safe space talking circles to connect and support one another as a partnership with EOPS.
- Thursday @ 10 am*Mindfulness Walk
Weekly | Starting: 3/13, Ending: 5/1
Meets in Room 912 (map/directions)
We’ll walk up to the 5000 building to take in the Ocean views and practice mindfulness. Walking offers the physical benefits of exercise while also boosting your emotional well-being. Including mindfulness shows to improved emotion regulation, mood, empathy, confidence and self-esteem, coping and social skills, and ability to pay attention and focus.
* March 20th will meet at 1 pm
- WED. MAR. 19TH & THU. MAR. 20THHarm Reduction Tabling Event Spring Break - Spring Break Toolkit: Fun Without Fallout
Spring Break Toolkit, Harm Reduction Event!
Harm Reduction and Partying Safety Info
Narcan Distribution
Drug Test Strips
Safe Sex Resources & Free Condoms
Vaccine Clinic: Get your flu shot ($3 & $22 preservative free)
Wednesday, March 19th
Aptos Library Plaza
11 am to 1 pm
Thursday, March 20th
Watsonville Breezeway A/B
9 am to 11 am
- MON. APR. 7TH - WED. APR. 9thSexual Assault Awareness Month
Find us on campus sharing resources to support survivors of sexual assault. Consent & Boundaries & How to help a friend. Learn more at NSVRC.ORG
Monday, April 7th
Aptos 100 Quad
9 am to 11 am
Tuesday, April 8th
Aptos 100 Quad
1 pm to 3 pm
Wednesday, April 9th
Watsonville Breezeway
9 am to 11 am
- TUE. APR. 15TH & WED. APR. 16THCCC LGBTQ+ Summit Watch Party
Join the Watch Party for the CCC 2025 LGBTQ+ Summit:
We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For:The LGBTQ+ CCC Revolution
Join us for the 7th Annual California Community Colleges (CCC) LGBTQ+ Summit, held virtually on Tuesday, April 15 - Wednesday, April 16, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. This year’s theme, “We are the ones we have been waiting for: The LGBTQ+ CCC Revolution,” emphasizes the collective commitment to creating thriving, supportive environments for LGBTQ+ students.
This free summit offers an opportunity for students, faculty, classified professionals, administrators and community members to come together to learn, share innovative ideas and develop strategies to improve campus programs and student support services. Through dynamic trainings, inspiring speakers and student testimonials, we’ll explore how to transform our institutions and make lasting structural changes to better serve LGBTQ+ students across CCC campuses.
Hosted by Student Health Services
Room 913 Aptos Campus
Register Now to watch on your own
- WED. APR. 30THDenim Day
Be sure to wear your Denim because there is no excuse and never an invitation to harass, abuse, assault or rape. Student Health Services will be out on campus along with other campus and community partners to share resources and information around sexual violence.
Wednesday, April 30th
Watsonville Breezeway
8 am to 10 am
Wednesday, April 30th
Aptos Library Plaza
11 am to 1 pm
- WED. APR. 30THSelf-Defense Workshop
A free 2-hour Trauma Informed Self-Defense training workshop lead by Dr. Ginger Charles, Chair-Public Safety/Criminal Justice Instructor. Space is limited, advance sign up required.
Wednesday, April 30th
Aptos Campus HW1126
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- MAY 8THThriving Together | 4th Annual Mental Health Conference
4th Annual Mental Health Conference. A Student-Led Conference on Community, Self-Care, and Resiliency.
- WED. MAY 21ST - THU. MAY 22NDTake a Breather: Stress Less Before Finals
Relaxation Space for decompression in preparation for finals week. Stop by to de-stress and de-compress. We will have resources and strategies to reduce test anxiety, mindfulness exercises, and activities like puzzles and art. Calming tea and brain-healthy snacks will be provided!
Wednesday, May 21st & Thursday, May 22nd
Room 913
10 am to 3 pm
- MON. FEB. 3RD - WED. FEB. 5THTime Management Tabling - Planning Success
Drop by the Cafeteria to get support with Time Management. We will have tools and tips to manage your academic and personal schedule, reduce stress, and stay on track with your responsibilities and goals.
Date & Time
Monday, February, 3rd | 9 am to 11 am
Tuesday, February 4th | 1 pm to 3 pm
Wednesday, February 5th | 11 am to 1 pm
Cafeteria, Aptos (new location)
More info on Time Management Here
Meet with us anytime for help with time management! Email to schedule an appointment.
- WED. FEB. 12TH & THU. FEB. 13THHealthy Relationships Tabling - Heart and Harmony
Physical & Emotional Heart Health Event!
Blood Pressure Checks
Heart Health Info
Safe Sex Resources + Universal Screening Scheduling
Signs of Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships
CARE Team Integrated Services & Monarch Services will be in attendance
Wednesday, February 12th
Aptos Library Quad
11 am to 1 pm
Thursday, February 13th
Watsonville Breezeway
9 am to 11 am
- FRI. FEB. 21STMental Health First Aid Training| Spring 2025 - Blended Training
Open to all students and employees interested in:
∙ Becoming certified in mental health first aid
∙ Learning how to help others in distress
∙ Gaining knowledge of signs, symptoms, and risk factors of mental illnesses and addictions
∙ Engaging in experiential activities that build an understanding of mental illness
∙ Learning about evidence-supported treatment & self-help strategies
∙ Increasing personal mental wellness
∙ Free for Students & Staff of Cabrillo College, open to community members for a $50 fee. $150 Value!Details:
Part 1: 2 hour independent pre-work due Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
Part 2: Live in-person training Friday, February 21st, 2025 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm in room 913 (next to Bike Co-op)
- MON. FEB. 24TH & WED. FEB. 26THEating Disorder Awareness & Screening Week | Thrive & Balance: Wellness for Mind, Body, and Soul
Wellness for Mind, Body & Soul! Nutrition & Exercise for Mental Health + Eating Disorder Awareness & Screening. The Lotus Collaborative is onsite to answer questions about eating disorder treatment and recovery.
Blender Bike Smoothies
Intuitive Eating Resources
Nutrition + Mental Health Information
Eating Disorder Screening
Fresh Marekt Recipe Contest!
Monday, February 24th
Aptos Library Quad
10 am to 1 pm
Wednesday, February 26th
Watsonville Breezeway
9 am to 11 am
- WED. MAR. 5THAmerican Redcross Blood Drive
Wednesday, March 5th
Aptos Cafeteria
9 am to 2 pm
Please complete this form if you are interested in volunteering. Questions? Contact Patti Childress at
Donating BloodTo schedule your appointment or for more information visit and enter Sponsor Code: Cabrillo or call 1-800 RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
If you have questions regarding your eligibility to donate blood, please call 1-866-236-3276. Identification is required.
For a limited time, the American Red Cross is screening all donations from self-identified multiracial and Black or African American donors for sickle cell trait. Gain additional insight into personal health and how screening may help patients with sickle cell disease in crisis.
Any other questions can be emailed to