Your Cabrillo College Student Senate

Standing on Business

Welcome To Your Student Senate Info Page

Student Senate Information:

The Student Senate is your official voice in the shared governance process here at Cabrillo and we are eager to hear from you! We are looking forward to all of the amazing opportunities of Spring 2025. For campus life and social events, please check your emails for the Seahawk Newsletter; follow our socials IG @cabrillo_studentlife; @queen_of_clubs1; visit the Seahawk Senate calendar to find out what is happening on campus.

The Student Senate 2024-25 Goals:

  1. Support students through increased awareness and visibility of the Student Senate.

  2. Foster a sense of community by promoting student engagement, connecting students with campus resources, and supporting programs that offer classroom presentations.

  3. Participate in campus wide communication to ensure transparency between the Student Senate and its constituents.

  4. Increase holistic wellness by promoting Student Health Services, financial literacy, physical activities, food resources and academic support programs.

Spring 2025 Meeting Information:

  • The Student Senate meetings are open to the public every Thursday at 3:30PM in SAC East 225 (Welcome Center building) and at the Watsonville Campus. The meeting on the third Thursday of the month is held at the Watsonville Center room A150. All meetings can be accessed using this link.

  • In accordance with AB 2449, the Student Senate will continue to allow hybrid meetings to promote access for the satellite campus and our distance learning constituency using the policy adopted by the Cabrillo College Board of Trustees.The Cabrillo Community College District and Student Senate welcomes public comment on issues within their jurisdiction of the college.
    To protect the college community from "zoom bombing," a national trend in which commenters call into public meetings with lewd, homophobic, racist, and vulgar remarks, the Cabrillo College Administration, in consultation with the Board, moved to eliminate public comments via the Zoom portal.

  • The Senate is committed to a culture of acceptance where all members of its constituency feel included, safe, and respected. Zoom will be for observation purposes only, those wishing to make public comments will need to participate in person at either the Aptos or Watsonville locations.

  • Those members of the student constituency wanting to make a virtual comment or needing specific accommodations, submit your request 24 hours prior to Alta at,

Meeting Agenda Links

Spring 2025 Meeting Schedule:

February: 13th; 20th*; 27th (MLK, Jr Ceremony 12-2:30pm in Cafeteria)

March: 6th; 13th; 20th*; 27th


April: 10th; 17th*; 24th

May: 1st; 8th; 15th*

*Meeting held at the Watsonville Center room A150 every third Thursday

All meeting agendas and minutes for the Student Senate can be found by clicking the word "here"

Meeting zoom link can be found by clicking the word "here"

News That Directly Impacts You

Student Senate Spring Events:

February 10th, 2025: Watsonville Student Senate Welcome @2:00-5:00pm

February 10, 2025: Aptos Student Senate Welcome @12:00 -3:00pm

February 11, 2025: Watsonville Student Senate Welcome @2:00-4:00pm

February 27, 2025: MLK, Jr Scholarship Ceremony @ 12:00 in cafeteria

March 26, 2025: Spring Carnival @ 11:00 - 2:00pm Quad

Winter/Spring Ball: TBD

2024-2025 Dates & Deadlines:

Dates To Remember:

January 13, 2025: Bus Pass/ID cards available

February 3, 2025: Spring semester begins

February 15, 2025: Last day to add/drop full-term class and return parking permit for refund

February 16, 2025: Last day to drop FULL TERM course without a "W"

February 18, 2025 Census: Withdrawal "W" grade applied, student responsible for all charges/fees

March 31- April 5, 2025: Spring Break

May 15, 2025: End of Fall for Student Senate

May 27-31, 2025: Finals Week

May 30, 2025: Graduation

The Campus Will Be Closed On The Following Days:

February 14, 2025: Lincoln Birthday

February 17, 2025: Washington Birthday

March 31, 2025: Cesar Chavez Day

May 26, 2025: Memorial Day

College Mission Statement:
We are a welcoming community college dedicated to providing an equitable, high-quality education. We are committed to helping students meet their career, academic, and life goals, guiding them in becoming culturally responsive leaders, effective communicators, and critical thinkers. We work to promote economic liberation and social justice, eradicate structural racism, and foster inclusivity by cultivating an environment of innovative teaching practices, support services, and learning opportunities for all students, especially those from historically marginalized communities.