Cabrillo College Student Senate

Student Senate Contact Information


Contact Information

Student Activities & Welcome Services Director
Alta Cilicia Northcutt


ASCC President: Denisa Rozsypalova


ASCC Vice-President: Sarah Castor


ASCC Treasurer: Vacant


ASCC Student Trustee: Yefry Mata Diaz


ASCC Legislative Representative: Cody Jarvis


ASCC Inter-Club Council Chair: Elena Houle


ASCC Public Relations Director: Bianca Souza


ASCC Watsonville Representative: Maurice Moreno


ASCC Wellness Ambassador: Andrew Richmond


Senators At Large:

Roise O'Connor


Jazper Ortiz


Andrew Morrissey


Arturo Marquez


Student Life Assistant Advisors:

Dr. Michelle Donohue


Jasmine Northcutt


President: Denisa Rozsypalova

My name is Denisa Rozsypalova and I am an international student at Cabrillo College, where I am pursuing a degree in Health Science (A.S.) and working towards an Associate of Science degree in Dental Hygiene.

In the Fall Semester of 2022, I became a part of the ASCC Student Senate. As a President I represent the Student body. My mission is to create a greater awareness about Cabrillo resources that are available to all students. I want to bring the student community together, and improve outreach. I am hoping to help organize more events that would benefit the community and the environment. For instance, two of my goals are to organize repeating beach clean-ups at local beaches and to encourage sustainable practices.

I am passionate and determined to assist everyone in having a positive experience while studying at Cabrillo College. I want to give the opportunity to all students to have a voice, and make sure that everybody achieve their educational and career goals.

Vice-President: Sarah Castor

My name is Sarah, I’m an international student from Brasil, majoring in Psychology. My ultimate goal is to transfer to UCSC. I’m happy to serve as Vice President, representing the students and making sure our voices are heard.

Student Trustee: Yefry Samuel Mata Diaz

My name is Yefrymata and I’m 26 years old. I am a Rising Scholar since the age of 16, I was in and out of juvenile Hall’s, youth center, county jail and the state penitentiary. I really didn’t start thinking about college until I was down doing time and I had nothing else to do but educate myself. I graduated early with a GED and high school diploma at 3.8 GPA and I was the valedictorian of my graduation class . yes, I was the good kid or the kid with the good grades out of all the so-called bad kids . none of us were bad . We just didn’t know any better. We didn’t have proper guidance or leadership in our life . That’s why it is through education that I plan to change the stigma and the way people view my community .this year I have the opportunity to serve at my student body government at Cabrillo college as the student senate trustee.lastly, I am a construction management scholarship recipient and a student assistant for the outreach and recruit department at my community college. I look forward to getting to know each and one of you and growing together. Take care.

Legislative Representative: Cody Jarvis

Hello I am Cody Jarvis. I am a first year freshman here at Cabrillo College. I am currently majoring In Business which might change to Political Science. I love watching sports, playing music and serving my community. My goal for the year is to represent YOU the students and your voices here on campus, regionally and on the state level as your Legislative Representative.

ASCC Inter-Club Council Chair

Hi everyone! My name is Elena Houle, and I am currently the ICC rep for ASCC! As of now, I am an International Studies/Communications major, and like most of us, I would like to transfer to a UC. I am so excited and grateful to be able to serve the student body and be a part of an amazing team. I aim to bring community and foster collaboration and growth at Cabrillo College.

Director of Public Relations - Bianca Alves De Souza

My name is Bianca, and I am an international student from Brazil. Currently pursuing a major in Health Science at Cabrillo College, I am passionately working towards my goal of entering the Nursing field next year. Away from home I have found my own sense of belonging once I got involved with my community here at Cabrillo College. My aspiration is to help other students discover their own community and get involved while navigating their academic journey. I strongly believe in the importance of enjoying the process of growth and learning, and I am committed to supporting others in finding fulfillment during their time here.

Watsonville Representative: Maurice Moreno

As of the student senate, my primary goal would be to represent the best interests of the student body. I would strive to enhance the academic, social, and personal development of all students on campus. I would work towards creating a more inclusive, supportive, and engaging community for students from all backgrounds. My position in the student senate is being the Watsonville Representative at the Watsonville campus. I would be dedicated to working collaboratively with other members of the Senate, as well as with the administration, faculty, and staff to achieve our shared goals on this campus. As a student, my major is computer science. My academic background in computer science has equipped me with the critical thinking, research, and analytical skills necessary to make informed decisions and advocate for student needs. I have always been passionate about serving my community and making a positive impact on the lives of others. I would bring this same passion and commitment to my role as a representative of the student body. In high school, I served as the president of the Hip-Hop chess club, where I learned valuable skills such as organization, communication, and collaboration. I also had the honor of being selected as "Mayor for a Day" in my hometown, where I had the opportunity to work with local officials and community leaders to address important issues. These experiences have taught me the importance of leadership, community engagement, and advocacy, and have prepared me well for a role on the student senate

Wellness Ambassador: Andrew Richmond

My name is Andrew, I am 22 years old and have lived in Aptos my whole life. Majoring in psychology. I love connecting with people and helping others. As Health and Wellness Representative, I am happy to be in a leadership position that allows me to help build a strong and supportive community at Cabrillo while advocating for mental health awareness.

Senator at Large: Róise O’Connor

My name is Róise O’Connor, I am a freshman at Cabrillo and I’m majoring in Anthropology. I was born and raised in Belfast, Ireland and have been living in the Santa Cruz area since 2016. I am very passionate about theater, cooking, music and I have a great appreciation for language and culture. I am also the current Secretary of the Dig-It! Anthropology Club. I strive to make everyone’s voice heard, and for everyone to feel welcomed and appreciated at Cabrillo College. I want to connect the ASCC to the student community and make a positive impact through events, community service and representation of the people. “

Senators At Large: Jazper Ortiz

I am Jazper Ortiz, currently in my first semester at Cabrillo in person. My plan is to transfer to San Diego State University, but I'm still figuring out my major. Right now, I'm focusing on general education classes to explore my options. I've set a goal to transfer to SDSU, and I'm determined to make that happen soon.

I'm also part of the Student Senate, where my main objective is to learn and embrace various perspectives. I believe this will help me stay open-minded and better understand others when I interact with them.

Senator at Large: Andrew Morrissey

My name is Andrew Morrissey, an enthusiastic student at Cabrillo - hoping to make a difference in my community. I was born and raised in Santa Cruz County, having attended public school in Aptos, and continuing my educational pursuit at Cabrillo College. My goal is to become a mining engineer, a niche but important field that concerns almost everything in our daily lives; as anything that can’t be grown must be mined. I love to go to the beach, go hiking, play sports, read, enthuse art, and appreciate the mysteries of our world. As a passionate community servant, I’ve come to the realization change starts at our home, our community, and with Cabrillo being my community, I hope to bring some change.

Senators At Large: Arturo Marquez

I'm Arturo Marquez Jr. Son of two parents that have worked hard through the rigorous struggles of life. Born and raised in Watsonville, I attended Aptos High School, Go Mariners! I'm a first generation citizen of my family, as well as a first generation college student. I'm from humbled beginnings journeying to a marvelous future. I've come full circle having been a Cabrillo Student back in 2008-2013. My 20's is filled with beautiful experience, amazing people, and lessons learned. Now, I find myself applying my talents to being of service and studying new ways to support others on their paths through guidance and leadership. I challenge everyone to reach their full potential. Cheers!
