Campus Sustainability
Cabrillo Sustainability Plan
This Plan was completed in May 2016 and approved by the Board of Trustees in fall of 2016. It was developed using the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office Sustainability Plan Template with input from various Cabrillo stakeholders, by the Sustainability and Climate Planning Committee.
Cabrillo Facilities Planning and Plant Operations (FPPO) This document contains a detailed list of completed, current and proposed energy efficiency projects at all Cabrillo campuses (Aptos and Watsonville) as of January 2014.
Sustainable Purchasing Resolution Thanks to the efforts of the Cabrillo Sustainability Council, the Inter-Club Council (ICC) and Student Senate passed a sustainable purchasing resolution in 2011. This resolution requires all clubs, their members, and the Student Senate to purchase and use sustainable products for all club or Student Senate events, on and off campus. To help clubs comply, the ICC spent $1000 and the Student Senate spent $2000 on biodegradable, compostable food-service ware (now in SAC East's storage room) for all clubs to use for events where food is sold or given away.
Empowered by a California Student Sustainability Coalition Composting Microgrant, the Sustainability Council is currently exploring viable options to reinstate organic waste diversion and start composting at Cabrillo's main Aptos campus.

Monterey Bay Regional Climate Compact By action of the Governing Board in November 2011, Cabrillo became a partner in the Monterey Bay Regional Climate Compact which seeks to reduce global climate change through collaborative efforts of local governments, agencies and institutions.
Santa Cruz County Green Careers Partnership Cabrillo is working with the partnership to create opportunities for under-employed, low-income, minority individuals and women, and at-risk youth in clean, green technology.
AASHE Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education As a member organization, Cabrillo students, staff, and faculty may create a login for full access to the many resources collected from colleges across the country.
ACUPCC American College & University President's Climate Commitment In 2007, then president Brian King signed the ACUPCC (now known as Second Nature's Carbon Commitment), which outlines Cabrillo's goal of achieving carbon neutrality. To meet this commitment, Cabrillo College has completed a Climate Action Plan and files annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories,and Progress Reports. To learn more, peruse Second Nature's blog The Implementer or the ACUPCC Implementation Guide.
California Student Sustainability Coalition Cabrillo's Sustainability Council is the local chapter of this statewide, non-profit organization that supports and connects students, helping them to transform their educational institutions into models of sustainability.