Self Service and Colleague (Cabrillo’s student information systems) will be unavailable during spring break, 3/28/25-4/4/25
Cabrillo Information Systems Scheduled Maintenance
Title IX

See Something Say Something Do Something

Cabrillo College is committed to creating a safe, supportive learning and working environment for all members of the campus community. Campus safety is our top priority, and we take all reports of misconduct seriously to protect everyone's health and well-being.

The College depends on community members to identify and report behaviors of concern so that the College can provide distressed students and employees with appropriate support services and resources. You can help by being aware of your surroundings on campus and reporting any unusual activity you may witness.

We are all responsible for campus safety. If you see something, say and do something about it—report any concerning behavior or suspicious activity.

See Something

We are all in a position to demonstrate compassion and sensitivity to Cabrillo community members in distress. Someone may feel alone, isolated, or even hopeless and not know how to ask for help. You may be the first person to SEE SOMETHING distressing in a student or fellow employee. It is important to be aware of your surroundings so you notice potentially problematic changes in behavior.

Say Something

If you notice something amiss in your interactions with a student or fellow employee, chances are the individual is having difficulties in other arenas as well. Trust your instincts and SAY SOMETHING if someone leaves you feeling worried, alarmed, or threatened!

Do Something

Sometimes people cannot or will not turn to family or friends for help. DO SOMETHING! Your expression of concern may be a critical factor in helping someone turn things around.

Report present or on-going emergencies to the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Department.

Report non-emergency situations by filing a report with Cabrillo's Student Support & Care Team.

Watch this video for detailed instruction on how to file a report with Cabrillo's Student Support & Care Team.

Sexual misconduct can be reported to the Title IX Coordinator in person, over the phone, or via e-mail, or by submitting a report through SSCT.