If you have a CCCApply confirmation number and are encountering issues, please email Angie (angomez@cabrillo.edu) and Jeff (jlreyes@cabrillo.edu) with your full name, email address, and confirmation number.
Alert — We’re currently experiencing a system-wide issue with CCCApply applications.
Watsonville CTC

Welcome to the Watsonville Computer Technology Center!

The Watsonville Computer Technology Center (WCTC) is a computer lab offering computers, printers, scanners & copiers for any currently-enrolled Cabrillo student.

For online support, the CTC Zoom is available at the link below. CABT instructors are available in person to answer any CABT related questions. Additionally the CTC Zoom hosts CABT and DM instructors, as well as CABT, DM, CS, CIS, ACCT, and BUS tutors. CTC staff will be live on Zoom to support students with any questions or technical assistance. Support is also available via email at ctc@cabrillo.edu.

student using computer
WCTC Hours
Observed Holidays
Sep. 2 - Labor Day Holiday Sep. 27 - Native American Day Nov. 11 - Veterans Day Holiday Nov. 28-30 - Thanksgiving Holiday Dec. 15-Feb. 2 - Winter Break Feb. 14 - Lincoln's Birthday Feb. 17 - Washington's Birthday Mar. 31 - Cesar Chavez Day Mar. 31-Apr. 5 - Spring Break May 26 - Memorial Day Holiday May 31-Jun. 9 - Summer Break (tentative) Jun. 19 - Juneteenth Holiday
Summer CTC Hours, (in person and online via Zoom), Monday-Thursday
10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Contact Us
(831) 786-4703
Learn More ▼
CABT students in WCTC
students standing in a classroom
female student typing
three students standing next to a sign
two students shaking hands
female student sitting in the computer lab