
Welcome to the Cabrillo Math Group!

Joke of the month:

Prime numbers are odd, but 2 is the oddest of them all.

Mission Statement:

The purpose of our club is to foster a community of individuals who are interested in mathematics and related fields, and to provide support and information regarding mathematics research, development, and educational opportunities.

Meet the Math Group!
Picture of Rowan Jones
Rowan Jones (Club President) - "We do math that's actually interesting -> Thas Crazy.."
Picture of Starr Wenn
Starr Wenn (Club Treasurer) - "Math and physics are my ways of understanding the world. It's a privilege to share that passion with those with ontological curiosities."
Picture of Sequoia Jones
Sequoia Jones (ICC Representative) - "Math is a reflection of nature, not the other way around."
Picture of Alexis Pascual
Alexis Pascual (Math Club Alternate ICC Representitive)
Picture of Helene Payne
Helene Payne (Math Club Advisor) - " I very much enjoy being part of the math club. I learn so much from each and everyone of the students, and we have a lot of fun."
Picture of Eric Miles
Eric Miles (Math Club Advisor)
Pi Day Spring 2022
We're always having fun!