Self Service and Colleague (Cabrillo’s student information systems) will be unavailable during spring break, 3/28/25-4/4/25
Cabrillo Information Systems Scheduled Maintenance
study abroad travel outdoors landscape
Global and Human Studies

Study Abroad

Welcome to Cabrillo College's Study Abroad Program!


Earn Transfer Credit While Studying Abroad!
Cabrillo College is one of the pioneering California community colleges to offer intensive language/culture study programs abroad for transfer credit. Our first program to Zacatecas, Mexico, in 1972 was a great success. Since then the World Languages Department has conducted many programs abroad, including trips to Europe, the Spanish speaking Americas, and Puerto Rico. The philosophy behind Study Abroad is to provide a unique language learning environment by living in a country where the language is spoken, providing small classes (6-8 students), and having students live in the home of a local family.

Planning is underway to offer full-semester programs, but for now please visit this page often for updates.

Program Information and Requirements:

Participants must enroll in a class at Cabrillo College and pay the college fees prior to departure.

Language levels available (may vary with each program):

  • Beginning 1 or 2 (5 units)

  • Intermediate 3 or 4 (5 units)

  • Conversation 10 (3 units)

  • Advanced 5 or 25 (3 units)

Attendance at one of the orientation sessions at Cabrillo College, or a telephone conference with the academic program director is required.

Accident insurance coverage is required.

A valid Passport is required.

  • You can apply for a passport at a post office or at the office of the Santa Cruz City Clerk in City Hall.

  • Allow at least 8 weeks for processing your application.

General Release and Health Information:

  • Every trip participant must fill out the general release and health information before departure and turn it to the BELA Division office in Room 301.

  • Download your health information form HERE.

It is extremely important that the Academic Program Director know about any allergies or extraordinary medical condition you may have. If you are taking medication, please take the amount you will need during your stay abroad. Special medical care may be very limited in some countries. Speak to the Director about your special needs.

Email Dr. Victor Prieto, Study Abroad Academic Program Director,, for information.

student walking trail
Living and studying Spanish in Mexico for just four weeks was a life-changing experience for me. I now want to continue my education, because I have a lot more focus and interest.
I wish I had participated in a study abroad program when I first began to study a foreign language.
This experience opened my eyes to see the world with a much wider lens.
Interested in studying abroad?