What is ZTC?
ZTC (zero textbook cost) classes use FREE online textbooks, Library eBooks, or other materials with no cost to students.
Note: Some ZTC courses may require that you purchase non-textbook materials such as art supplies, lab materials, calculator, or other equipment.
Complete an entire degree pathway without purchasing any textbooks!
ZTC Degree Pathways
Anthropology (AA/AA-T)
Art Photography (AA)
Communication Studies (AA/AA-T)
Dance (AA)
Early Childhood Education (AS/AS-T)
English (AA/AA-T)
Fire Tech (AS)
General Education (all GE patterns have a ZTC pathway)
Health Science (AA)
Political Science (AA/AA-T)
Sociology (AA/AA-T)
Women’s Studies (AA)
ZTC icon & search options
How to Find ZTC Classes

Look for the ZTC icon in the schedule of classes

Use the Course Type drop-down menu when searching

Use the ZTC checkbox to filter your results