Noncredit Courses - Math

New Home for Noncredit Math Self-Study Materials
Due to changes in state law, Cabrillo is no longer able to offer Noncredit Math courses Math 350A/B and Math 370A/B after June 2023. Students who want to refresh their math skills will still be able to access the complete self-study materials, including video lectures, practice problems, and self-check quizzes. These materials will be available through the Math Learning Center (MLC) and the Integrated Learning Center (ILC). We are still working on the infrastructure, so check back here for upcoming details on how to access this great resource for students!

Free Math Tutoring at the Aptos MLC and Watsonville ILC
Math 502 - Supervised Tutoring
Get help with your homework from friendly tutors via zoom or in person at:
Have fun reviewing math with friends, terrific tutors, and amazing instructors during a week-long intensive before the semester starts. Introducing Math PLUS at Cabrillo College - Video
Food and review materials are provided FREE.
Math300PLUS: Study Skills
Math301PLUS: Preparation for Algebra, Finite Math, and Business Calculus
Math304PLUS: Preparation for Precalculus and Calculus
Math312PLUS: Preparation for Statistics
Location / Times
We offer classes in the Watsonville Center and the Aptos campus. Daytime options (9am-3pm) and evening options (5:30pm-8:30pm).
Next Steps
Visit the Math Plus website to get started.